Lesson Plans - Details

The Language of Persuasion

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Simone James Shaw
  • Number of views: 8201
The Language of Persuasion
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Techniques of Persuasion
Description: Teacher and students will decide on the rules that participants in the Socratic seminar must observe.

Students will be guided into a discussion where they will be lead to form a working definition of the language of persuasion. Students will be seated in a circular arrangement and will watch a video where persuasive language is used. Through the use of questioning students will be guided to form a working definition of the language of persuasion.

Socratic Seminar. Students will watch a video of a pastor/politician using persuasive language. Students will also be given a transcription of the speech. Students will evaluate the speech through the use of given questions. The questions will be used as a means of generating discussion. Students will share their views/opinions which must be supported with evidence/reason.

The teacher will make notes and will guide the students to identify techniques of persuasion that were used or highlight techniques that they may have pointed to during the discussion.

Analysis of cause and effect text.

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Judith Nazareth Madriz Alvarez
  • Number of views: 9374
Analysis of cause and effect text.
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Health
Topic: The Negative Health Effects of Heavy Backpacks, and How Your Kids Can Avoid Them
Description: 1- attendance list.
2- review last class with the following chart
What I remember What we did

3- Technique: Consequence and Sequel (C&S)
1- Introduce the topic- write on the board the topic
2- Dive the group into sub group- no more than 4
3- Multiple time ranges (medium)
4- Before analyze the text with help of a dictionary (cellphone) look for the unknown words you find in the reading.
5- Read the text and share ideas and thinking about what is your thought about the reading? (Teacher can use a The Logic of “Critical Thinking: Frameworks and Models for Teaching)
Give to the Students the following framework
The main purpose of this article is __________________________________________ .
(State as accurately as possible the text’s purpose for writing the article.)
The main idea that the text is addressing is ________________________________ .
(Figure out the question in mind)
The important information in this article is ____
(Figure out the facts, experiences, data the author is using to support his/her
The main inferences/ conclusions in this article are ______________________________ .
(Identify the key conclusions that comes to and presents in the article.)
The key concept(s) we need to understand in this article is (are)
_______________________________ . By these concepts the author means
6. Write causes and consequences you find in the reading. ________________________________________________________. Use links of cause and effect.

6- Discussion- during discussion make sure all student participate and share ideas about the topic.
7- Share ideas with another group.
8-Teacher as monitor put the name of Student in a box, selecting randomly names make question referring to the reading. (use the framework).

Mr "Tri"

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Taneille Skeete
  • Number of views: 22011
Mr "Tri"
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Prefixes
Description: Content outline: Word origin involves the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time. The Origin of words are determined by their basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible.

Word origin is important because it offers the background knowledge that is necessary to create a bond or connection with the users and to determine the words’ meaning, formation, construction, and how it should be correctly used.

Prefix: A prefix is a group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning.

Word Origin of tri: The word was derived from the Latin word tres that means having three, or to have a combination of three things.

Words starting with ‘tri’

Familiar Words

Triangle: A three sided figure.

Tricycle: A bike/vehicle with three wheels

Triplet: Three offspring/children born at the same time.

New Words

Tripod: A three legged stool, table or stand holding things.

Trio: A group of three people or things

Trilingual: Being able to speak three languages.

Trisect: To cut into three pieces.

Tricolour: Having three colours.

Introduction: Words attached with pictures of prefixes that start with ‘tri’ will be displayed on the board and student will be asked to share what they have notice is similar between all the words.

Step 1: Students will be asked if the know what prefixes are and the responses will be documented on the board after which a clarified answer to what a prefix is will be given in the song ‘I am a Prefix’.

Step 2: Students will be asked to give examples of some prefixes they know, after which the word ‘Triangle’ will be placed on the board and students will tell if a prefix is attached to the word. After which a discussion will take place on ‘tri’, the origin, and meaning and how prefixes can be used.

Step 3: The students will be asked to give additional ‘tri’ words they can think of and give the words in sentences with assistance from their fellow peers. The teacher will also share additional words that the students haven’t mention. These words will be written on the board and student will be asked to document them in their note books as vocabulary words.

Culminating activity: Students will be grouped and each group will be given a flashcard with either the prefix ‘tri’ or the remainder of the word. Two groups will be chosen to stand one with tri and the other with a word ending and they will say their word and together form two adjoining sentences. After all the groups have been chosen the collective class with sing the ‘I am a Prefix’ song.

Rites of Passage in the four major religions

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Cleopatro Facey
  • Number of views: 11998
Rites of Passage in the four major religions
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Religious education
Topic: Rites of Passage associated with birth in the four major religion
Description: (Engage) Introduction:
Students will be asked if they know the song “when mothers of Salem”. Students who are familiar with the song will be asked to sing it aloud. After song is complete students will be asked to state the event the song is associated with. Students will also be asked to explain what takes place at this event and the importance of it. Students will be informed that a similar ceremony is done in the other three major religions.
(Explain) Step 1: Definition of key terms.
Students were given the key words in objective one to define from the previous session. Selected students will stand and share their definition with the rest of the class. Discussion will be held after each definition is given.

(Explore) Step 2: Birth Ceremonies in the four-major religion.
The class will be divided into eight groups. Each group will be given a birth rite of passage to look at. Groups will be given a section from their text " Religious Education for Jamaica" pages 82 – 85 to read and discuss in their groups. Students will be permitted to use internet to do further research on the rites of passage they were given. The teacher will walk around the class and assist students where needed.
(Extend) 3: Group presentation
After group discussion and research, each group will present what they have learnt to the rest of the class. Students will be asked to give a brief demonstration of the rites of passage their group looked at. A guided discussion will take place after each presentation.
Students will be asked to used the information they have gathered to create their own notes for the topic.


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Tamara Gavin
  • Number of views: 8417
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Descriptive Writing
Description: The lesson will see students being engaged in a field trip around the school. Students will be given strips of paper with things that they should observe such as anything that may caught the eye, appeal to the sense of hearing, feeling, smelling and touch or feel. These will be recorded on their strips of paper. After observing the school students will then return to the classroom where an open discussion will ensue.
Students will view a youtube video titled “Sensory Details” after watching and listening students will then have an open discussion about what is being discussed.

Students will then separate into groups of 5 to discuss their findings. The different types of writing will be placed on the board and be defined. Students will then say which would apply to what they did on the outside and why. Students will then explore the topic by viewing a variety of descriptive pieces that appeal to the senses. Students will then compare their findings with that of the samples.

Students will then be introduced to the Compass Points. After writing info on how to use the Compass points they will then apply it to their observation from the school surroundings. Teacher will facilitate students by clearing up any misconception that has surfaced on the compass.