Meetings of the Committee of Experts

Twentieth Meeting of the Committee of Expert

  (November 28th and 29th, 2023, Washington, DC)

Nineteenth Meeting of the Committee of Expert

  (November 11 and 12, 2022, Buenos Aires , Argentina)

Eighteenth Meeting of the Committee of Expert

  (December 7th and 8th, 2021, Virtual)

Seventeenth Meeting of the Committee of Expert

  (December 14th and 15th, 2020, Washington, DC)
  • Agenda (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.257/20)
  • Organization of work (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.258/20)
  • Report of the President (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.259/20)
  • Regulations of the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women "Convention of Belém do Pará" (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.260/20)
  • Agreements Adopted (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.261/20)
  • Guidelines, mechanisms and tools for the processing of communications and documents from the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism to the Convention of Belém do Pará (CEVI) and the strengthening of its independence and institutional image (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.262/20)

Sixteenth Meeting of the Committee of Expert

  (December 10th, 11th and 12th, 2019, Washington, DC)

Fifteenth Meeting of the Committee of Expert

  (December 3rd, 4th and 5th 2018, Washington, DC)

Fourteenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (November 27th and 28th 2017, Panama City, Panama)

Thirteenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (October 11th to 13th 2016, Mexico City)/td>
  • Agenda (PDF)
  • Organization of Work (PDF)
  • Report of the Technical Secretariat (PDF)
  • CEVI Workplan, october 2016-october 2017 (PDF)
  • Guidelines for Virtual Participation in the Committee of Experts (PDF)
  • Agreements Adopted (PDF)

Twelfth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (October 13-15 2015, Lima, Perú)
  • Agenda (Word)
  • Organization of Work (Word)
  • Report of the Technical Secretariat (Word)
  • Report of the President (Word)
  • Draft table of contents for the report on child pregnancy and sexual and reproductive rights (Word)
  • Guidlines for requesting technical assistance from the CEVI (Word)
  • CEVI Work Plan October 2015-October 2017 (Word)
  • Agreements adopted (Word)

Eleventh Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (September 18-19 2014, Montevideo)

Tenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (September 11-12 2013, Washington, D.C.)
  • Agenda (Word)
  • Organization of work (Word)
Key results:
  • Adoption of the Declaration of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI on the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Adoption of the Belém do Pará Convention (Word)
  • Adoption of other Agreements (Word)
Informative documents:
  • Comparative table of the Belém do Pará and Council of Europe Conventions (Word)
  • Comparative table of the Follow-up Mechanisms of the Belém do Pará and Council of Europe Conventions (Word)
  • Comparative table of the Rules of Procedure for the Committees of Experts of the OAS Follow-up Mechanisms (Word)
  • Comparative table of the OAS Follow-up Mechanisms - in loco visits (Word)
  • Comparative table of follow-up committees or groups for human rights conventions (Word)

Ninth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (November 12th - 14th 2012, Mexico City)
  • Agenda (Word document)
  • Draft Strategic Plan of the MESECVI 2013-2017 (Word)
  • Progress indicators for measuring the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention (Word)
  • Declaration of Mexico on the rights of women in process to reform the penal code (Word)
  • Final report (Word) and Agreements adopted (Word)

Eighth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (May 3rd & 4th 2012, Panama City)

Seventh Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (September 22-23, 2011, Washington, DC)

Sixth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (August 23-25, 2010, San José, Costa Rica)
  • Agenda (Word)
  • Final act and agreements adopted (PDF)
  • Presentations and other documents (.Zip file)

Fifth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (June 25-26 2009, Washington, DC)
  • Agenda (PDF)
  • Final act and agreements adopted (PDF)
  • Presentations and other documents (.Zip file)

Fourth Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (13-15 August, 2008, Washington, DC)
  • Agenda (PDF)
  • Final act and agreements adopted (PDF)
  • Declaration on Femicide (Word)
  • Presentations and other documents (.Zip file)

Third Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (18-20 July 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Agenda (PDF)
  • Final act and agreements adopted (PDF)
  • Presentations and other documents (.Zip file)

Second Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (24-25 July 2006, Washington, DC)
  • Agenda (PDF)
  • Final act and agreements adopted (PDF)
  • Presentations and other documents (.Zip file)

First Meeting of the Committee of Experts

  (22-24 August 2005, Washington, DC)