Maricarmen Plata

SARE was created in 2015 to support Member States in their efforts and initiatives to improve the access to rights and promote greater equity in the region. SARE seeks to expand the work agenda of the General Secretariat in the field of social inclusion, prioritizing groups in situation of vulnerability, the protection of economic, social, and cultural rights, and citizen participation.   

Through the Department of Social Inclusion (DSI) and the Section of Relations with Civil Society, SARE develops initiatives for political dialogue, technical cooperation, follow-up to regional normative frameworks on access to human rights and equity, and at the same time, promotes greater incidence and participation of civil society in OAS activities from a cross-cutting and intersectional approach.  

Strategic objectives  

  • Promote hemispheric dialogue and technical cooperation with and among OAS Member States on issues related to access to rights, social inclusion with equity, the empowerment of groups in situations of vulnerability, and citizen participation, to strengthen the capacity of state institutions in charge of these areas.  
  • Generate knowledge bases, build capacities, and manage and disseminate information on public policies, laws, programs, and good practices of Member States aimed at promoting social inclusion with equity, the empowerment of groups in situations of vulnerability, citizen participation and access to justice.  
  • Contribute to the observance of human rights in the region by monitoring the norms and standards of the inter-American system. 
  • Strengthen the capacities of civil society and other social actors and facilitate their participation and articulation in OAS activities.  
  • Intensify the institutional strengthening efforts of SARE to guarantee optimal working and budgetary conditions that allow it to effectively fulfill its mandates and responsibilities. 

Supports the efforts of Member States in formulating strategies to combat inequality. In addition, it promotes social inclusion through initiatives focused on breaking structural barriers in access to opportunities, the design of public policies that generate social inclusion and the implementation of projects to improve the living conditions of various groups in vulnerable situations.
Responsible for advising the Secretary General on all matters relating to civil society. Designs and implements strategies to promote and broaden the participation of civil society organizations (CSOs) in activities related to the OAS.
More Projects
Highlighted Projects, Programs and Initiatives
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Highlighted Publications
December, 2023
SARE Management Report 2023
December, 2022
SARE Management Report 2022
December, 2021
SARE Management Report 2021
December, 2020
SARE Management Report 2020
December, 2019
SARE Management Report 2019
December, 2018
SARE Management Report 2018
Available only in Spanish
December, 2017
SARE Management Report 2017
Available only in Spanish
December, 2016
SARE Management Report 2016
Adopted at the third plenary session of the OAS General Assembly, held on June 15, 2016
Adopted at the first plenary session of the OAS General Assembly, held on June 20, 2017