Paulina Corominas Etchegaray

The mission of the Section of Relations with Civil Society is to lead the planning and execution of activities and strategies designed to promote and strengthen the participation of CSOs in all initiatives related to the work of the OAS. We seek to be a solid bridge between the OAS and civil society, fostering dialogue and close cooperation, with the goal of promoting citizen participation as a fundamental pillar in building a more democratic, secure, and inclusive hemisphere. This Section is part of the Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity (SARE).

The Section also provides technical support to the Committee on Inter-American Summits Management and Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities (CISC) of the Permanent Council in all matters related to civil society participation; and coordinates the Registry of CSOs in the OAS. To date, nearly 700 CSOs have registered with the OAS. 

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are defined in the OAS as "any national or international institution, organization, or entity made up of natural or juridical persons of a non-governmental nature," according to resolution CP/RES. 759 (1217/99) "Guidelines for the Participation of CSOs in OAS Activities." 

Since 1999, year when the resolution was approved, the OAS has created spaces for the participation of CSOs in its activities.  The presence of civil society has contributed to reaching the hemispheric goals of strengthening democracy, protecting human rights, and promoting integral development and multidimensional security as well as other initiatives under way in the OAS that are a part of the inter-American agenda.


OEA - Sociedad Civil (Facebook account only available in Spanish)

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CP/RES.759 (1217/99) "Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS activities" - Approved December 15, 1999
CP/RES. 840 (1361/03) "Strategies for Increasing and Strengthening Participation by Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities" - Approved 26 March 2003
Promotion of the participation of civil society and awareness of the opportunities to contribute to the formulation of hemispheric policies.