
Lessons Plans

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Peripheral Devices

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tanesha Wright
  • Number of views: 10956
Peripheral Devices
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Storage Devices
Description: ENGAGEMENT
The teacher will write a set of questions on the whiteboard. The students will be told that they should listen to the scenario and try to catch the answers to the questions on the whiteboard. For e.g. Identify the two categories of storage
Identify the two types of storage.
Primary storage consists of two types of memory chips. What are they?
The students will be asked to give their responses to the questions given at the beginning of the lesson. These will be recorded on the whiteboard. The teacher will inform them if their answers are correct.
The students along with the teacher’s assistance will define primary storage. A further analysis of primary storage will be done. The teacher and the students will examine together to the two memory chips into which primary storage is divided. The difference between the two will be examined. The teacher will also emphasize the point that RAM on ‘volatile’. The students will say the word aloud and spell it for emphasis. They will be required to use context clues to determine the meaning of the word.
The students and teacher will examine the ROM chip. The variations of ROM will also be examined. Differences between RAM and ROM will be highlighted. A definition of secondary storage will be ascertained and examples of secondary storage devices will be identified. Using the fish bowl technique the students will discuss the importance of secondary storage devices. A small group will discuss the importance while the other students will listen and join in the discussion by patting a member of the small group on his/her shoulder. The teacher will monitor the discussion to ensure that the students stay on the topic.

Gueridon Service

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Karlene Spence-Smart
  • Number of views: 10382
Gueridon Service
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: Providing Gueridon Service
Description: Behaviour Modeling. (students will watch a video focusing on the steps involved in polishing and cleaning gueridon equipment)
Polishing and cleaning gureidon equipment consistent with enterprise standards and hygiene requirements
Discussion throughout the lesson and students will write journal through Reflective practice.


  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Anastacia Miller
  • Number of views: 8702
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Internal and External Conflict
Description: A video was played of clips showing people in conflict. The students watched the clips and discussed what was happening within the video. PowerPoint was used to examine both internal and external conflict and examples were provided. Additionally, students were handed out scenarios and in pairs identified the conflicts represented. After the pired activity, students were given new sets of scenarios that they had to complete on their own, differentiating the conflicts discussed.

Reading Comprehension

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Wendy Mitchell
  • Number of views: 9261
Reading Comprehension
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The Monkey's Heart
Description: The title of the story will be introduced. Students will predict what they think the story is about. Whole class discussion will be done. Students will skim and scan story for unusual words. These words will be listed on whiteboard. Individuals will be allowed to read sentences or paragrahs in which words are found and then use context clues to give meanings. Students will watch a video with one versión of the story.
Individuals, then whole class will read the story.
Students will be questioned so as to analyse the story to say who is the bad and good charácter. They will then tell whether or not their predictions about the story was correct. Socratic questioning will be done.Students will compare the two versions of the story and tell what differnces there are..

la familia

  • 12 February 2018
  • Posted by: Georgia Miller
  • Number of views: 11165
la familia
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Cómo es tu familia?
Description: I started the lesson by having students guess information about my family that were aligned with the lesson objectives (how many people?, how many brothers, how many sisters). I then gave students some information about my family then taught them how to talk about their family in terms of numbers as well as describing each member. Students were then taught how to ask the questions that elicited the responses previously mentioned. Students were also guided in completing their graphic organizer with relevant vocabulary. They were also guided in completing their scripts for their oral presentation.