
Lessons Plans

Resources Map

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  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tonya Storr-Belle
  • Number of views: 7108
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Narrative Writing - Trait-Organization
Description: Volunteer give prompt: The cockroach invasion.
Say that we should be able to write a problem – solution draft
use signal words in our writing so that it will be organized
create and invent scenes to entertain or engage the audience
Focus on White board. Take out handout.
Read notes as group is called.
Read problems written give suggestions for example pet/animal escaping from cage
Reread with teacher then partner share
Complete a problem solution flow chart with partner
Write paragraph using what if ideas.
Important Questions to Consider
• What problem is the character facing?
• Where is the character?
• Why is it important for the character to solve this problem?
• What makes the problem difficult?• How does the character resolve the problem?Say that we should be able to identify transitions / signal words, and include them in our writing so that it will be organized
In groups will summarize the purpose of a fictional narrative and list the elements of this type of story and the structure.
Characters• Setting • Problem • Events. • Resolution. .

Do a Zip Around if there is time – Calla volunteer to read his / her short write


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: CECILIA UBE
  • Number of views: 9740
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Foreign languages
Description: 1. Know and understand the question “what time is it?”
2. Say the time.
3. Know the time for (breakfast, lunch, dinner, go bed, go school).
4. Know the bithday’s date.
5. Know the Word “when”.
6. Know the months of the year.
7. Spell simple words about birthday’s party.
8. Know phonics (short u, long u)


  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: tamar myles
  • Number of views: 15061
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Leadership
Description: Lesson 1
1. The teacher will write the jumbled letters for leadership on the board. The students will then be encouraged to unscramble the letters to spell leadership. The students will then be engaged in a discussion on the concept.

2. The teacher will then question students in order for them to state some qualities of a leader.

3. The students will then be introduced to four types of leader ship styles.

4. The students will then be engaged in a discussion on two of the leadership styles using the fishbowl strategy.

5. The students and teacher will then review the information presented on the handout.

Culminating Activity:

1. The students will be asked questions orally on the topic.

Lesson 2:
1. Students will be engaged in a brief revision of the previous class.
2. Students will be engaged in a discussion on the other two types of leadership styles.
3. The students will then be engaged in a discussion (fishbowl strategy on the importance and essentials of good leadership.
6. Students and teacher will then review the information presented on the handout.

Culminating Activity:

1. The students will be given a past paper question to complete in their books. This will be graded.

Short Story Development

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Alethia-Elizabeth Brown
  • Number of views: 9225
 Short Story Development
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Analyzing the Setting of a Short Story 'Pig Money'
Session 1
The first session of this lesson lasted for 1 hour
Step1- The lesson aims and objectives were communicated to the class in a whole group setting.
Step2- Students were instructed to sit in groups of five according to their learning styles (These groups were pre-determined). Each group was given a stimulus to analyse according to learning styles. For example, the visual learners got a picture of a place. The auditory learners were instructed to listen to the sounds created in a particular place. The tactile learners were given a painting of a place done in mosiac form.
Step 3- Students then shared their observations/perceptions of the place they were given in the stimuli. From here the concept of setting was introduced.
Step 4- By combining the ideas given by each group, students were asked to formulate definitions of setting. all definitions were written on the white board.
Step 5- Students were asked to revisit the stimuli and assess the extent to which a person may be affected by each setting. Full explanations were encouraged. Why do you think the person may be affected in this way? How would another setting impact him or her? What can you say then about the impact of setting on a character?
Step 6- The responses to the preceding questions were shared and discussed as a whole class.
Step 7- The lesson was re-capped and the main points highlighted.
End of Session 1
Session 2- 1 hour
Step 6- As a whole group, students' attention was turned to drawn to the short story under discussion- 'Pig Money'. Students were asked to work in groups of three to delineate aspects of the setting as discussed in session one. The main points were written on the white board.
Step 7- Bearing the points from step six in mind, students were again assembled in their learning groups to re-create the setting of the short story. That is by drawing it, painting it, creating an auditory representation of it etc.

Language Arts: Comprehension Integrating Social Studies, Reading and Spelling

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Cherry-Ann Layne
  • Number of views: 9778
Language Arts: Comprehension Integrating Social Studies, Reading and Spelling
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Black History Month
Description: SET INDUCTION: Teacher will inform the students that they will be playing a game. Teacher will instruct the students to look under their chairs for letters that are hidden there. Teacher will then asked the students to place the letters on the chalkboard and to arrange them in the correct order so that they will spell out the topic of the day’s lesson. The teacher will question the students as they work if they know the answer. Students should arrange the letters to spell Black History Month.
LEARNING EXPERIENCES: Teacher will ask the students to get into groups of twos. The teacher will then distribute pieces of paper to each group with facts about Black History Month written on them. Students will be allowed a few minutes to read the facts with their partner. Afterwards each group will be given an opportunity to read their fact to the class. Students will be asked to discuss the fact and look for any unfamiliar words. The teacher will distribute a word list sheet and instruct the students to write these words on their word lists. The students will then use the dictionary to look up the meaning of the words.

ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE: The teacher will distribute a semantic map to each group
and instruct them to record the facts about Black History Month that they can remember on
the map.

CLOSURE: Teacher will call upon selected students to share some of the facts with their classmates.

FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIES: Students will be asked to complete a quiz on Black History Month.