
Lessons Plans

Resources Map

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Introduction to Music

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tiffay Mayne-Marie
  • Number of views: 6857
Introduction to Music
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: Introduction to Music
Description: The teacher will now detail how the classes are set up for the 2 sessions per cycle. The 1st day of classes per cycle is Music Theory. The 2nd day of classes per cycle is Practical.

• Theory – Workbook, Exercise Book, Pencil
• Practical – Recorder, Essential Elements for Recorder

Naming Adjectives

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Deidre Bourne
  • Number of views: 8364
Naming Adjectives
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Naming Adjectives
Description: • The teacher will ask the students if they know the story of the “ Three Little Pigs”
• Inform the students that they will listen to the story of “ Three Little Pigs” (powerpoint presentation)
• Ask the students to look at the pictures and drawings as you read them the story.
• After reading the story, ask them which pig they like or dislike in the story.
• The teacher will ask the students why they like or dislike the pig which they answered.
• As they tell the teacher their reasons, write down all the adjectives that you hear in their answers. The teacher will write the adjectives on to the chalkboard.
• Inform the students that any word that describes things we like or dislike are called adjectives
• Invite some students to act out their favourite characters from the story.
• Then ask the rest of the students to describe the characters that they portrayed. Remind them that the words they are using to describe are called adjectives.
• The teacher will ask the students to write or draw at least two adjectives for every person, thing, place, or animal. They must write it on their paper. If some students are having trouble spelling, the teacher will write some adjectives on the chalkboard.

• Ask the class to tell you what they learned about adjectives.
• Ask them the best adjectives that they can give for their parents, family, and friends.

Road Safety

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Novelette Richardson
  • Number of views: 8835
Road Safety
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Safety
Description: Firstly students will be asked to tell what they think safety is and based on their response(s) the teacher would then link it to road safety. The teacher would then tell the students a dictionary definition for safety and road safety, following a brief recall of what was said. The teacher would then set up road signs and role play a scenario where road safety is needed to resolve problems while doing the day to day activity of going home from school or even going to the supermarket.

Figurative Language in Poem Richard Cory

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Kurshner Telemacque-Rabess
  • Number of views: 9458
Figurative Language in Poem Richard Cory
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry
Description: 1. The class will begin with a news clip of a death by suicide.
2. Students will then share why they believe people commit suicide.
3. Teacher will then verbalize class objectives
4. Then the teacher will distribute poem to the class.
5. Students will then listen to the poem while the teacher reads.
6. Students will then read poem individually.
7. Then they will use the Compass Points activity to get them to think deeply about
the text.
8. Students will write their thoughts on sticky notes.
9. They will then place them in the appropriate location on the compass points on the board.
10. Students will receive the opportunity to share their compass points in whole group
11. To analyze the poem, the teacher will then direct students to list traits about the character that are stated.
12. The students will then underline figurative language used in the text.
13. For each figurative device identified, students will explain the image created by each.
14. Students will then be asked to state how the poem makes them feel. They will then make a connection of the text to the world or to what they heard/read in the radio announcement at the beginning of the class
15. Students will then write a summary of the poem.
16. Students will share summaries in class.
17. Having recognized the theme that wealth and status don't ensure happiness and looks may be deceiving, students will offer a kind word or two to their classmates reassuring them that they are valued and appreciated no matter what they are going through.
18. For homework, students will write a reflective piece.

How Painkillers work?

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Yolanda Viguria
  • Number of views: 9180
How Painkillers work?
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Health
Topic: Pharmacology of Painkillers, groups, mechanism of action, use and side effects.
Description: -Students would receive a guide with the lesson to be discussed, they could prepare their answer at home and come to class with previously read material.
-Students would sit in groups of 5 and 6 previously randomly selected. Each group would include a teacher moderator.
- Two cases that have previously delivered would we discussed following some questions, the most important one is, “what is the medication used” (which is not mentioned in the case). The case will give hints about what the medication could have been used like side effects, the disease being treated, the lenght of the effect therefore students will give comments argumenting with what they have read previoulsy. The teacher moderator would emphazise the most important comments and the discussion will end with the answer solved with the agreemen of each member of the group and will present their conclusion to the whole class at the end.
-At the final 10 minutes of the class, every group will give their conclusions and the teachers moderators will give the take-home ideas that should clarify how pain killers works, what differentiate one group of another, what are their main uses and efficacy, side effects and when you should not used it. Those are discussed in the case and argue in the case questionary.