
Lessons Plans

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Identifying Main Idea

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tashieka Burris-Melville
  • Number of views: 8025
Identifying Main Idea
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literal Level Comprehension
Description: Teacher will elicit from students what a main idea is
Students will respond by sharing what they know about main idea
Teacher will present a short paragraph on the board.
Saturday at the Carnival
James and his sister Anna went to the carnival on Saturday. They rode the merry-go-round, the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel. James ate popcorn and a hot dog. Anna drank lemonade and ate an apple. They saw many exciting shows. They were tired when they went home.
Teacher and students will read the paragraph
Students will be asked to say what the paragraph is mainly about.
Teacher will guide students in discussing main ideas and supporting details.
Students will be asked to identify at least three of the details that support the main idea in the paragraphs.
Students will be asked to identify the main ideas of a number of paragraphs.

Language Arts: Drawing Conclusions

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Anthia Knowles
  • Number of views: 10184
Language Arts: Drawing Conclusions
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Drawing Conclusions
Description: At the start of the lesson, the teacher will play the last few minutes of the 2018 Super Bowl. The teacher will pause the clip right before the announcement is made and ask the students "From the clip, what is happening, what is going to happen and how did they arrive to this answer?" The students will answer "It is the Super Bowl and the Eagles have just won or is about to win. The score on the video clip and the timer being on zero shows they've won the game. The teacher will explain to the students this is called Drawing Conclusions.
The teacher will explain to students that drawing conclusions is using information that is implied or inferred to make meaning out of what is not clearly stated.
The teacher will demonstrate to the students how to draw a logical conclusion. The teacher will go through a few examples. The teacher will explain how it may help you to think about an inference as a math problem. What you read + what’s in your head = an inference.
Using a “What Am I?” poem and the Drawing Conclusions Graphic Organizer, students will pair clues from author with background knowledge to infer/conclude what is being described. Students will share their answers with the class.
The teacher will let the class listen to the song "Lost Boy" by Ruth B. Using their graphic Organizer, students will draw logical conclusions about the meaning of the song. Students will discuss their answers to each other.