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Persuasive Writing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: CARLENE BRYAN
  • Number of views: 6046
Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: the persuasive speech
Description: Introductory Activity (Engagement) o Through activation of schema, the teacher will facilitate a brainstorming sessión of the concept of language as a tool for persuasión. o Students will be asked to contemplate upon the purpose of persuavive texts, various types of persuasive texts and how they are used to enhance our daily lives. o The responses will be jotted down on the white board. o The teacher will then inform students the persuasion is intended to convince us to feel, think or act a certain way. Developmental Activities (Exploration, Explanation & Elaboration) Exploration o Students will then be encouraged to relate from their experiencial backgrounds, any memorable/ impactful speakers and speeches they have heard and state what made the speeches impactful. o Next, an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s’ ‘I have a dream’ speech will be played using an audio visual médium and students will listen keenly and follow the written text on a handout. o Volunteers will be guided into commenting on the speech and its effect in illuminating the issue of brotherhood and peace. Explanation o From the discussion and presentation, students will be guided into formulating a comprehensive definition for the term ‘persuasive speech’ through discovery learning. o Students had previously learned about persuasive techniques and devices. As a measure of memory retention and critical thinking, they will engage in an activity using the fishing bowl. o A fishing bowl with ten persuasive techniques will be presented and students will select one piece of paper with a technique. Each student will be asked to orally explain his/ her persuasive technique selected to the class. o Students’ questions and responses with then be accommodated. Elaboration o Next, students will work in pairs to find and circle as many examples of persuasive devices as they can from the Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech. o Additionally, they will use a graphic organiser to comment on the effectiveness of each device which will be shared with the class. o The teacher will model the activity by giving them the following example: Text: I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. Effectiveness: this is a metaphor. It compares the racially unjust state of Mississippi to an unwelcoming place overcome by unjust and inhumane practices. He desires to see a transformation where it becomes a safe haven and place of freedom for all. The metaphor highlights the seriousness of the issue and evokes strong emotions of hurt and pain in the reader towards the system of injustice. o The responses will be shared with the class and students will comment on the varying responses given. o Through the use of probing questions and reader’s response, students will be inclined to actively participate in the process.

Time to write

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Flora M. Zibas Page
  • Number of views: 6490
Time to write
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Writing creativity
Description: • Research or write out, on your own, an interesting beginning to a text. One of the sentences must be incomplete. For example:
“In a town far away from any medical service, there once lived a small community. Most of its people were descendants from an old tribe and lived very happily with one another. Most people, in this community, had fallen ill with cholera due to their contaminated water system. All the doctors and voyagers feared to come near this place. One day, … “
• The text must be written on wallpapers. Depending on the number of groups. Each group should have a wallpaper.
• Divide the class into groups of 4.
• Handout a wallpaper (with the chosen beginning) to each group.
• Handout a marker to each group. Each group must have a different color.
• Tell students that they will write as fast as possible on a topic for 2 minutes without worrying about correct language or punctuation. Writing as quickly as possible, if they cannot think of a word they leave a space or write it in their own language. The important thing is to keep writing. Later this text is revised. Working together in groups, students can share ideas.
• When the 2 minutes are up they switch papers and they continue writing on the other group´s paper. The other 2 minutes are up and they switch papers again. It continues this way until all the groups have written on each paper.
• Once you have gathered all the markers and all the students are back in their place, all the papers are read and discussed with the whole class.

Acquiring Content for Persuasive Essays

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Judith Whyte
  • Number of views: 9661
Acquiring Content for Persuasive Essays
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasive Writing
Description: Engagement
Students will role-play a scene where someone is sick and goes to the hospital for medical treatment.
Students will be placed in two groups. They will be given the topic: It should become a law that all patients pay hospital fees.(Currently, the situation in Jamaica is that patients do not pay hospital fees). One group will give reasons why they disagree with the topic and the other group will give reasons why they agree with the topic. This will be a discussion session
Students will then individually write three pros for the topic or three cons against the topic, based on which groups they were previously in. Students will share at least one pro or one con with the group
Students will decide if the arguments put forward are major or minor arguments. Students will then research online for countries that have similar policies as well as those who have different policies

‘Market Morning’ by Grace Walker Gordon

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tracia Morgan-Brown
  • Number of views: 9241
‘Market Morning’ by Grace Walker Gordon
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry
Description: Students will talk about their experiences that they have the market. Students will be shown pictures of several markets and teacher will lead them in a discussion about them.
The teacher will recite the poem ‘Market Morning’ for the students.
The students will volunteer to recite the poem and talk about it.
The teacher and students will discuss what the poem is about.
The students will identify the literary device in the poem and produce examples. (Device- Personification / examples ‘green banana fingers’, ‘grinning cobs of corn’)
The students will also identify the words that rhyme. The students should realize that the words rhyme at the end of each line.
The teacher will inform the students that a “rhyme scheme” is a way of describing the pattern of end rhymes in a poem. Each new sound at the end of a line is given a letter, starting with “A,” then “B,” and so on. If an end sound repeats the end sound of an earlier line, it gets the same letter as the earlier line.
The students will watch a short video, which will further explain what rhyme scheme is and give examples ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSSmrIZ7zJU).
Students will be are asked to individually list three things that a fellow student might misunderstand about the topic/concept. The responses are collected and reviewed by the teacher. The teacher and students will clear up any misunderstanding of the content .
Students will be placed in small groups to write the rhyme scheme for the poem ‘Market Morning’.
Teacher will check students’ work and make corrections where necessary.


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Clarice Cox
  • Number of views: 9438
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literary Fantasy
Description: Content
Fantasy is the activity of imagining impossible or unlikely things.
There are many types of fantasy based stories such as, fables, heroic quest and fairy tales. These stories may even include magical beings, talking animals, gods and goddesses.
Fantasy tends to concentrate on the emotional character of standard truths and experiences: birth, growth, wisdom, pain, love, fear, sin, guilt, beauty, discipline, good and evil, sacrifice and death.
The stories lead to statements about human beings’ encounters with their inner selves.

Examples of stories that are categorized as literary Fantasy
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Peter Pan
The Little Mermaid
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The teacher will state there are many types of fictional stories fantasy is a special type of fiction.
The students will listen attentively.
The teacher will display the word fantasy and ask students think about its meaning. (Think –Pair-Share).
The students will think about the meaning of the word fantasy.
The teacher will ask students to discuss their answer with a peer.
The students will discuss their answer with a pair.
The teacher will select students to share what they discussed in their groups.
The students will share answers with the class.
The teacher will display the definition of the word fantasy using a projector.
The students will read the definition.
The teacher will state the definition in a chant and ask students to repeat chant.
The students will state the definition in a chant.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners -student will state the definition in a chant keeping a beat or rhythm. (This is done to keep the student with ADHD alert and involved.)
The teacher will explain that literary fantasy has central themes.
The students will listen attentively and recall details.
The teacher will discuss various themes that appear in literary fantasy (using Grand Discussion strategy).
The students will engage in discussion, answering question and making statements in an orderly fashion.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners- student will engage in discussion and express his opinions (this will aid in keeping the student focus).
The teacher will ask students to give examples of some children’s stories that would be categorized as literary fantasy.
The students will give examples of some children’s stories that would be categorized as literary fantasy.
The teacher will ask students to watch Thumbelina and list facts (on folder sheet) that make the story literary fantasy.
The students will watch Thumbelina and list facts (on folder sheet) that make the story literary fantasy.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners - student will collect papers in an effort to keep him active and give him the option to move around.
To conclude th...