Scholarships for Professional Development

PDSP Scholarships

The PDSP scholarships offers scholarship opportunities for short-term training courses in any of the OAS member states, and OAS Permanent Observers, with the exception of the applicant’s country of citizenship or permanent residency (sponsoring country).  

Scholarship modalities: Onsite, online (distance) or blended.

The OAS scholarships awarded are within the eight (8) priority areas

All scholarship applications must be submitted directly through the applicant’s National Liaison Office (ONE).



  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of an OAS Member State.

  • Have obtained a university degree by the time of applying for the Scholarship.

  • Be in good physical and mental health to complete the program successfully.

  • The ONEs in the Member States may have additional eligibility requirements. Please contact your country’s ONE for more information.
  • Online application (included in Course announcement. See below "Scholarship Offers")

  • Copy of the diploma for the highest degree obtained. (Bachelor of Master)

  • Copies of transcripts of grades for all academic degrees completed and to be completed.

  • Two (2) recommendation letters using the OAS Recommendation Statement Form. Recommendation letters from relatives will not be accepted.

  • Certificate of Language Proficiency.  Only for courses taught in a language different to that of the applicant’s native language.
  • Curriculum Vitae * [a maximum of four (4) pages]

  • Copy of a government issued identification document from the applicant’s country of origin.

* Please do not include diplomas of conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. Do not send photographs nor copies of your thesis project.


Open Courses Announcements 2017
(See results of closed announcements at the bottom of the page)
Course Announcement Language Deadline Modality Partner Institution Course Dates
OAS-UPV Course: Energía Solar Fotovoltaica Spanish Closed Online

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

From March 19 to September 31, 2018

Should you have questions related to the requirements and the application process
Please write us at: pdsp@

BENEFITS of Scholarships - Onsite or Blended Courses OPEN/CLOSE +-

PDSP scholarships are complementary in nature, and do not cover 100% of the Scholarship Recipient’s expenses. Benefits may vary according to the institution offering the course. The scholarship may cover:

  • Roundtrip airfare (from country of origin to country where studies will be held, if applicable.)
  • Tuition and mandatory administrative expenses *
  • Health insurance*
  • Room and board*
  • Local transportation*

    * These benefits may or may not be covered by the partner institution.


BENEFITS of Scholarships - Online Courses OPEN/CLOSE +-
  • Tuition





SCAN all required documents into one single black and white PDF file, no larger than 8MB, making sure that all documents are legible.

Upload the PDF file to your online application.

The OAS will not consider incomplete applications.


After submitting the online application, you will receive a confirmation email which contains your application in PDF format. Print the application and attach the required documents, and submit them to your ONE

The ONE will make an initial pre-selection of candidates. Applicants should make sure that the corresponding ONE physically receives all the required documents requested by both the OAS and ONE.

If you do not receive the confirmation email, after submitting your online application, please send an email to: [email protected]






Nombre del Curso o Programa

OAS-UPV Course: Energía Solar Fotovoltaica - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Selected Candidates

Principios de Ciencias Ambientales - Universidad Ana G. Méndez
Puerto Rico

Selected Candidates

Certificación para la Enseñanza de Cursos a Distancia - Universidad Ana G. Méndez
Puerto Rico

Selected Candidates

Sistema de Información Geográfica para la Modelación de Riesgos Climáticos y Gestión de Desastres Naturales - CATHALAC
(Second Semester)

Selected Candidates

Redes Avanzadas de Comunicación CITEL

Selected Candidates

Internet de las Cosas (IoT) CITEL

Selected Candidates

Course: Seguridad de la Información y Normas ISO 27001 y 270021 CITEL

(Second Semester)

Selected Candidates

Indicadores de Gestión de Org. y RRHH en Ambitos Públicos TOP

Selected Candidates

Telecomunicaciones Para No Técnicos CITEL
Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT)

Selected Candidates

Sistemas de Monitoreo del Espectro y su Evolución CITEL y
Universidad ICESI de Colombia

Selected Candidates

Spectrum Management: Using the Latest Generation Tools - CITEL-International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Cancelled Course

Acondicionamiento bioclimático, recursos bioenergéticas y educación energética integral: ejes para el desarrollo local con uso de energías renovables - Universidad de Salta

Selected Candidates

Curso de Seguridad de la Información y Normas ISO 27001 y 270021 - CITEL-INICTEL-UNI

Selected Candidates

Curso de Diseño y Planificación de Redes de Banda Ancha Móvil HSPA y 4G - CITEL-INICTEL-UNI

Selected Candidates

Diplomado en Derechos Humanos, Discapacidad y Educación Inclusiva - Departamento Inclusión Social de la OEA y la Universidad de Chile

Selected Candidates

Gestión Estratégica de RR HH en Organizaciones Públicas TOP

Selected Candidates

Jóvenes, Educación y trabajo: Nuevas Tendencias y Desafíos FLACSO, Argentina

Selected Candidates

Enfoque de Derechos y de Igualdad de Género en Políticas, Programas y Proyectos - CIM-Portal Educativo de las Américas

Selected Candidates

Curso en Análisis del Paisaje: Herramienta de Gestión, Ordenación y Planificación Territorial - Fondo Verde

Selected Candidates

Diplomado Internacional en Línea sobre Restauración de Ecosistemas y Servicios Ambientales

Selected candidates

Introduction to the Rule of Law

Selected candidates

Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) para la Modelación de Riesgos Climáticos y Gestión de Desastres Naturales

Selected candidates

Pronósticos Metereológicos, su Aplicación y el Papel en la Toma de Decisiones

Selected candidates

XVII Curso de Experto Universitario en Diagnóstico y Educación de Alumnos con Alta Capacidad

Selected candidates

Promoting Innovation: Licensing Academy in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer

Selected Candidates

Curso de Derecho Internacional / International Law Course

Selected Candidates

Gestión de las políticas públicas

Selected Candidates

Diploma en Gestión del Turismo Sostenible

Selected Candidates

Diploma en Empresas Turísticas Socialmente Responsables

Selected Candidates

Trade and Environmental Seminar

Selected Candidates

Certificación para la Enseñanza de Cursos a Distancia

Selected Candidates

Curso de Innovación Tecnológica

Selected Candidates

Curso de Programación Android Avanzada

Selected Candidates

Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres y Desarrollo Local

Selected Candidates

Programa Interamericano de Capacitación Judicial sobre el Estado de Derecho Ambiental

Selected Candidates

Experto en Manejo de Conflictos Interculturales

Selected Candidates

Experto en Entornos Educativos e–learning. Nivel Tutor

Selected Candidates

Telecom ICT and Policy Regulation

Selected Candidates