Each year the OAS Secretary General publishes a proposed Program-Budget for the coming calendar year. The OAS General Assembly meets in a Special Session to approve the Program-Budget. Find these documents from 1998-2013 here.
Each year in April, the OAS Board of External Auditors publishes a report covering the previous calendar year’s financial results. Reports covering 1996-2016 may be found here.
Approximately six weeks after the end of each semester, the OAS publishes a Semiannual Management and Performance Report, which since 2013 includes reporting on programmatic results. The full texts may be found here.
Here you will find data on the Human Resources of the OAS, including its organizational structure, each organizational unit’s staffing, vacant posts, and performance contracts.
The OAS executes a variety of projects funded by donors. Evaluation reports are commissioned by donors. Reports of these evaluations may be found here.
The Inspector General provides the Secretary General with reports on the audits, investigations, and inspections conducted. These reports are made available to the Permanent Council. More information may be found here.
The OAS has discussed for several years the real estate issue, the funding required for maintenance and repairs, as well as the deferred maintenance of its historic buildings. The General Secretariat has provided a series of options for funding it. The most recent document, reflecting the current status of the Strategy, is CP/CAAP-3211/13 rev. 4.
Here you will find information related to the GS/OAS Procurement Operations, including a list of procurement notices for formal bids, links to the performance contract and travel control measure reports, the applicable procurement rules and regulations, and the training and qualifications of its staff.
The OAS Treasurer certifies the financial statements of all funds managed or administered by the GS/OAS. Here you will find the latest general purpose financial reports for the main OAS funds, as well as OAS Quarterly Financial Reports (QFRs).
Every year the GS/OAS publishes the annual operating plans for all areas of the Organization, used to aid in the formulation of the annual budget and as a way to provide follow-up on institutional mandates.
Here you will find information related to the OAS Strategic Plan 2016-2020, including its design, preparation and approval.
AG/RES 2773 (XLIII-0/13) Increasing and Strengthening the Participation of Civil Society and Social Actors in the Activities of the Organization of American States and in the Summits of the Americas Process
AG/RES 2785 (XLIII-0-13) Support for the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and its Technical Secretariat
AG/RES 2786 (XLIII-0-13) Follow-Up on the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and on the Inter-American Program of Cooperation to Fight Corruption
AG/RES 2789 (XLIII-0-13) Human Rights Defenders: Support for the Individuals, Groups, and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas
AG/RES 2790 (XLIII-0/13) The Human Rights of Migrants, Including Migrant Workers and Their Families
AG/RES 2802 (XLIII-0/13) Promotion and Protection of Human Rights of People Vulnerable to, Living with, or Affected by HIV/AIDS in the Americas
AG/RES.2803 (XLIII-O/13) Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, “Convention of Belém do Pará”
AG/RES. 2804 (XLIII-O/13) Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance
AG/RES. 2805 (XLIII-O/13) Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Related Forms of Intolerance
AG/DEC. 69 (XLII-O/12) Declaration of Cochabamba on “Food Security
with Sovereignty in the Americas”
AG/RES. 2705 (XLII-O/12) Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy:
Follow-Up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter
AG/RES. 2707 (XLII-O/12) Prevention and Eradication of sexual exploitation
and smuggling of and trafficking in minors
AG/RES. 2711 (XLII-O/12) Mechanism to follow up on implementation of the
Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication
of violence against women, “Convention of Belém Do Pará”
AG/RES. 2712 (XLII-O/12)
Network for consumer safety and health and
Inter-American Rapid Product Safety Warning System
AG/RES. 2714 (XLII-O/12)
Official Public Defenders as a guarantee of access to justice for persons
in situations of vulnerability
AG/RES. 2715 (XLII-O/12) Human Rights
Defenders: Support for individuals, groups, and organizations of Civil
Society working to promote and protect Human Rights in the Americas
2717 (XLII-O/12) Persons who have disappeared and assistance to members of
their families
AG/RES. 2718 (XLI-O/12) Draft legally binding
Inter-American Instruments against racism and racial discrimination and
against all forms of discrimination and intolerance
AG/RES. 2719 (XLII-O/12) Follow-Up to the
Inter-American Program for Universal Civil Registry and the “Right To
AG/RES. 2729 (XLII-O/12) The Human Rights of
migrants, including migrant workers and their families
AG/RES. 2730 (XLII-O/12) Follow-Up on the
Inter-American Convention against corruption and on the Inter-American
Program of Cooperation to fight corruption
AG/RES. 2731 (XLII-O/12) Support for the Committee
for the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against persons with
disabilities and its Technical Secretariat
AG/RES. 2736 (XLII-O/12) Increasing and Strengthening
the Participation of Civil Society and Social Actors in the activities of
the Organization of American States and in the Summits of the Americas
AG/RES. 2759 (XLII-O/12) Observations and
Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human
AG/RES. 2761 (XLII-O/12) Follow-Up on the
Recommendations Contained in the “Report ff the Special Working Group to
reflect on the workings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
with a view to strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System”
AG/RES. 2634
(XLI-O/11), “Follow-up and Implementation of the Mandates of the
Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain of the Fifth Summit of the
AG/RES. 2635
(XLI-O/11), “Increasing and Strengthening the Participation of Civil
Society and Social Actors in the Activities of the Organization of
American States and in the Summits of the Americas Process”
AG/RES. 2642
(XLI-O/11), “Third Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science
and Technology in the Framework of CIDI”
AG/RES. 2643
(XLI-O/11), “Seventh Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education
within the Framework of CIDI”
AG/RES. 2644
(XLI-O/11), “Report of the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and
High-level Authorities on Sustainable Development within the Framework of CIDI”
AG/RES. 2645
(XLI-O/11), “Report of the Second Meeting of Ministers and High
Authorities of Social Development within the Framework of CIDI”
AG/RES. 2647
(XLI-O/11), “Existing Mechanisms for Disaster Prevention and Response and
Humanitarian Assistance among the Member States”
AG/RES. 2651
(XLI-O/11), “Persons Who Have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of
their Families”
AG/RES. 2652
(XLI-O/11), “Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the
Inter-American Court of Human Rights”
AG/RES. 2655 (XLI-O/11),
“Follow-up on the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and on the
Inter-American Program for Cooperation in the Fight against Corruption”
AG/RES. 2658 (XLI-O/11),
“Human Rights Defenders: Support for Individuals, Groups, and
Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights
in the Americas”
AG/RES. 2663 (XLI-O/11),
“Support for the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and Its Technical
AG/RES. 2672 (XLI-O/11),
“Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights”
AG/RES. 2675 (XLI-O/11),
“Strengthening of the Inter-American Human Rights System Pursuant to the
Mandates Arising from the Summits of the Americas”
AG/RES. 2677 (XLI-O/11),
“Draft Inter-American Convention against Racism and All Forms of
Discrimination and Intolerance”
AG/RES. 2680 (XLI-O/11),
“Promotion of the Rights to Freedom of Assembly and of Association in the
AG/RES. 2682 (XLI-O/11),
“Consumer Protection: Consolidation of the Network for Consumer Safety
and Health and Creation of an Inter-American Rapid Product Safety Warning
AG/RES. 2683 (XLI-O/11),
“Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices”
AG/RES. 2692 (XLI-O/11),
“Mechanism to Follow Up on Implementation of the Inter-American Convention
on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women,
‘Convention of Belém do Pará’”
AG/RES. 2694 (XLI-O/11), “Promotion and Strengthening
of Democracy: Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter”
AG/DEC. 63 (XL-O/10), “Declaration of Lima: Peace, Security, and
Cooperation in the Americas”
AG/RES. 2540 (XL-O/10), “Follow-up to the Meetings of Ministers
Responsible for public security in the Americas”
AG/RES. 2541 (XL-O/10), “Regional Strategy to Promote Hemispheric
Cooperation in Dealing with Criminal Gangs”
AG/RES. 2544 (XL-O/10), “Mechanism to Follow Up on Implementation of
the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and
Eradication of Violence against Women, “Convention of Belém do Pará””
AG/RES. 2545 (XL-O/10), “Promotion by the Inter-American
Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) of Cooperation for the Development
and Dissemination of Information and Communication Technologies in the
AG/RES. 2548 (XL-O/10), “Prevention and Eradication of Commercial
Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in Minors”
AG/RES. 2549 (XL-O/10), “Consumer Protection: Network for Consumer
Safety and Health in the Americas”
AG/RES. 2551 (XL-O/10), “Work Plan against Trafficking in Persons in
the Western Hemisphere”
AG/RES. 2552 (XL-O/10), “Inter-American Convention on Transparency in
Conventional Weapons Acquisitions”
AG/RES. 2554 (XL-O/10), “Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility
in the Hemisphere”
AG/RES. 2555 (XL-O/10), “Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy:
Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter”
AG/RES. 2556 (XL-O/10), “Hemispheric Drug Strategy and Preparation of
its Plan of Action”
AG/RES. 2563 (XL-O/10), “Support for and Follow-up to the Summits of
the Americas Process”
AG/RES. 2564 (XL-O/10),
and Implementation of the Mandates of the Declaration of Commitment of
Port of Spain of the Fifth Summit of the Americas“
AG/RES. 2569 (XL-O/10), “Eradicating Illiteracy and Fighting Diseases
that Affect Integral Development”
AG/RES. 2579 (XL-O/10), “Human Rights Defenders: Support for the
Individuals, Groups, and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote
and Protect Human Rights in the Americas”
AG/RES. 2587 (XL-O/10), “Observations and Recommendations on the
Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”
AG/RES. 2589 (XL-O/10), “Report of the Sixth Meeting of Ministers of
Education within the Framework of CIDI”
AG/RES. 2610 (XL-O/10), “Existing Mechanisms for Disaster Prevention and
response and Humanitarian Assistance among the Member States”
AG/RES. 2612 (XL-O/10), “Increasing and Strengthening the Participation of
Civil Society and Social Actors in the Activities of the Organization of
American States and in the Summits of the Americas Process”
AG/DEC. 60/09, "Declaration of San Pedro Sula: Toward a Culture of Non-violence"
AG/RES. 2444/09, "Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2451/09, "Mechanism to Follow up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, 'Convention of Belém do Pará'"
AG/RES. 2456/09, "Hemispheric Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons: Conclusions and Recommendations of the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons"
AG/RES. 2464/09, "Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (2006-2016) and Support for its Technical Secretariat (SEDISCAP)"
AG/RES. 2467/09, "Eradicating Illiteracy and Fighting Diseases that Affect Integral Development"
AG/RES. 2478/09, "Sixth Meeting of Ministers of Education within the Framework of CIDI"
AG/RES. 2480/09, "Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter"
AG/RES. 2481/09, "Inter-American Program on Eradication for Democratic Values and Practices"
AG/RES. 2482/09, "Support for the Activities of the Inter-American Defense Board"
AG/RES. 2483/09, "Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere"
AG/RES. 2485/09, "Special Security Concerns of the Small Island States of the Caribbean"
AG/RES. 2486/09, "Prevention and Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in Minors"
AG/RES. 2489/09, "Support for Enhanced Interregional Cooperation with the African Union"
AG/RES. 2492/09, "Existing Mechanisms for Disaster Prevention and Response and Humanitarian Assistance Among the Member States"
AG/RES. 2493/09, "Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission"
AG/RES. 2500/09, "Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights"
AG/RES. 2502/09, "The Human Rights of All Migrant Workers and of their Families"
AG/RES. 2505/09, "Promotion of the International Criminal Court"
AG/RES. 2513/09, "Persons Who Have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of their Families"
AG/RES. 2514/09, "Access to Public Information: Strengthening Democracy"
AG/RES. 2517/09, "Human Rights Defenders: Support for Individuals, Groups and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2519/09, "Increasing and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in the Activities of the Organization of American States and in the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/DEC. 57/08, "Declaration of Medellín: Youth and Democratic Values"
AG/RES. 2356/08, "Migrant populations and migration flows in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2361/08, "60TH Anniversary of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man"
AG/RES. 2362/08, “Inter-American program for Universal Civil Registry and the “Right to Identity””.
AG/RES. 2363/08, "Social Charter of the Americas: Renewal of the hemispheric commitment to fight poverty in the region"
AG/RES. 2365/08, "Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (2006-2016) and support for its Technical Secretariat (SEDISCAP)"
AG/RES. 2366/08, "Support for the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities"
AG/RES. 2367/08, "Draft Inter-American Convention against Racism and all Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance"
AG/RES. 2368/08, "Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples"
AG/RES. 2370/08, "Future of the Inter-American Indian Institute"
AG/RES. 2371/08, "Mechanism to Follow Up on Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, “Convention of Belém do Pará”"
AG/RES. 2392/08, "Poverty, Equity, and Social Inclusion: Follow-up to the Declaration of Margarita"
AG/RES. 2393/08, "Support for and follow-up to the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 2395/08, "Increasing and strengthening civil society participation in the activities of the Organization of American States and in the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 2407/08, "Strengthening of human rights systems pursuant to the mandates arising from the Summits of the Americas"
AG/RES. 2412/08, "Human rights Defenders: Support for the Work of Individuals, groups, and organizations of civil society to promote and protect human rights in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2425/08, "Promotion of women’s human rights and gender equity and equality”
AG/RES. 2435/08, "Human rights, sexual orientation, and gender identity”
AG/RES. 2310/07, "Increasing and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in the Activities of the Organization of American States and in the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 2338/07, "Support for and Follow-Up to the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 2344/07, "Citizen Participation and Strengthening of Democracy in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2351/07,
“Civil Society Organizations and the Protection of Human Rights and
Promotion of Democracy”
AG/DEC. 52/07, "Declaration of Panama: Energy for Sustainable Development"
AG/RES. 2260/07, "Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education"
AG/RES. 2262/07, "Protocol of San Salvador: Composition and Functioning of the Working Group to Examine the Periodic Reports of the States Parties"
AG/RES. 2268/07, "Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions"
AG/RES. 2274/07, "Follow-up to the Special Conference on Security"
AG/RES. 2275/07, "Follow-up on the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption and the Inter-American Program for Cooperation in the Fight Against Corruption"
AG/RES. 2276/07, "Draft Inter-American Convention Against Racism and all Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance"
AG/RES. 2278/07, "Social Charter of the Americas: Renewal of the Hemispheric Commitment to Fight Poverty in the Region"
AG/RES. 2279/07, "Promotion of the International Criminal Court"
AG/RES. 2280/07, "Human Rights Defenders: Support for the Individuals, Groups, and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2284/07, " Situation of the Inter-American Indian Institute"
AG/RES. 2286/07, "Inter-American Program for a Universal Civil Registry and The Right to Identity”
AG/RES. 2287/07, "Right to Freedom of Thought and Expression and the Importance of the Media”
AG/RES. 2288/07, "Access to Public Information: Strengthening Democracy"
AG/RES. 2289/07, "The Human Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families"
AG/RES. 2290/07, "Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights"
AG/RES. 2291/07, "Strengthening of Human Rights Systems Pursuant to the Mandates Arising from the Summits of the Americas"
AG/RES. 2294/07, " American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples"
AG/RES. 2295/07, "Persons who have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of their Families"
AG/RES. 2299/07, "Promotion of Hemispheric Cooperation in Dealing with Gangs Involved in Criminal Activities"
AG/RES. 2300/07, "Support for the Activities of the Inter-American Defense Board"
AG/RES. 2304/07, "Strengthening Technical Cooperation for Integral Development"
AG/RES. 2308/07, "Eradicating Illiteracy and Fighting Diseases that Affect Integral Development"
AG/RES. 2309/07, "Report of the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities"
AG/RES. 2312/07, "Report of the First Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development"
AG/RES. 2314/07, "Natural Disaster Reduction, Risk Management, and Assistance in Natural and Other Disaster Situations"
AG/RES. 2315/07, "Participation of Workers’ Representatives in Activities of the Organization of American States"
AG/RES. 2318/07, "Implementation of the Declaration of Recife"
AG/RES. 2327/07, "Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter"
AG/RES. 2330/07, "Mechanism to Follow up on Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women, “Convention of Belém do Pará"
AG/RES. 2336/07, "Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere"
AG/RES. 2339/07, " Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (2006-2016)"
AG/RES. 2343/07, "Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission"
AG/RES. 2162/06, "Mechanism to Follow up on Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women, "Convention of Belém do Pará" "
AG/RES. 2164/06, "Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices"
AG/RES. 2166/06, "Public Presentation of Candidates for Membership on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights"
AG/RES. 2167/06, "Establishment of the Committee provided for in the Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities"
AG/RES. 2168/06, "Combating Racism and all forms of Discrimination and Intolerance and Consideration of the Draft Inter-American Convention Against Racism and All Forms and Intolerance"
AG/RES. 2176/06, "Promotion of the International Criminal Court"
AG/RES. 2177/06, "Human Rights Defenders: Support for the Individual Groups, and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2184/06, "Natural Disaster Reduction, Risk Management, and Assistance and other Disaster Situations"
AG/RES. 2185/06, "Follow-Up to the Special Conference on Security"
AG/RES. 2188/06, "Limitation on Military Spending and the Promotion of Greater Transparency in the Acquisition of Arms in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2190/06, "Supports and Follow-Up to the Summit of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 2193/06, "Creation of the Fund for Children of the Americas"
AG/RES. 2194/06, "Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere"
AG/RES. 2200/06, "Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism of the Inter-American Drug Abuse control Commission"
AG/RES. 2201/06, "Strategic Plan for Partnership for Integral Development 2006-2009"
AG/RES. 2204/06, "Eradicating and Fighting Diseases that Affect Integral Development"
AG/RES. 2206/06, "Report of the Fourth Meeting of Ministers of Education within the Framework of CIDI"
AG/RES. 2224/06, "The Human Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families"
AG/RES. 2230/06, "Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities"
AG/RES. 2231/06, "Persons who have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of Their Families"
AG/RES. 2232/06, "Protection of Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Returnees in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2243/06, "Support for the Implementation of the Declaration of Santo Domingo"
AG/RES. 2251/06, "Promotion of Regional Cooperation for the Implementation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter on the Occasion of its Fifth Anniversary"
AG/RES. 2252/06, "Access to Public Information: Strengthening Democracy"
AG/RES. 2255/06, "The Use of Information Technologies in Government Procurement in order to Promote Transparency and the Participation of Micro, Small, and Medium Sized Enterprises, and other Productive Organizations"
AG/RES. 2256/06, "Hemispheric Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons: Conclusions and Recommendations of the First Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons"
AG/DEC. 41/05, "Declaration of Florida Delivering the Benefits of Democracy"
AG/RES. 2067/05, "Human Rights Defenders: Support for the Individuals, Groups, and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2071/05, "2006: Inter-American Year of the Fight Against Corruption"
AG/RES. 2074/05, "Standards for the Preparation of Periodic Reports Pursuant to the Protocol of San Salvador"
AG/RES. 2076/05, "Follow-up on the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption and its Program for Cooperation"
AG/RES. 2087/05, "Report of the First Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology"
AG/RES. 2091/05, "Support for and Follow-up to the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 2092/05, "Increasing and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities and in the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 2093/05, "Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities Responsible for Policies on Decentralization, Local Government, and Citizen Participation"
AG/RES. 2097/05, "Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission: Report on its Third Evaluation Round"
AG/RES. 2103/05, "Public Presentation of Candidates Proposed for the Positions of Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States"
AG/RES. 2120/05, "Presentation of Candidates for Membership of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights"
AG/RES. 2121/05, "Access to Public Information: Strengthening Democracy"
AG/RES. 2123/05, "Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere"
AG/RES. 2126/05, "Prevention of Racism and All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance and Consideration of the Preparation of a Draft Inter-American Convention"
AG/RES. 2130/05, "The Human Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families"
AG/RES. 2133/05, "Inter-American Program of Cooperation to Prevent and Remedy Cases of International Abduction of Children by one of Their Parents"
AG/RES. 2134/05, "Persons who have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of Their Families"
AG/RES. 2135/05, "Support for and Monitoring of Activities Related to the World Summit on the Information Society"
AG/RES. 2138/05, "Fourth Biennial Report on Fulfillment of Resolution Ag/Res.1456 (Xxvii-O/97), “Promotion of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women, ‘Convention of Belém do Pará’” "
AG/RES. 2141/05, "Inter-American Program for the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants, Including Migrant Workers and Their Families"
AG/RES. 2151/05, "Delivering the Benefits of Democracy: Partnership for Integral Development"
AG/RES. 2154/05, "Promotion of Regional Cooperation for Implementation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter"
AG/RES. 2043/04, "Observations and recommendations on the annual report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights"
AG/RES. 2036/04, "Human rights defenders: Support for the individuals, groups, and organizations of civil society working to promote and protect human rights in the Americas"
AG/RES. 2034/04, "Follow-Up on the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and its Program for Cooperation"
AG/RES. 2019/04, "Fighting the crime of trafficking in persons, especially women, adolescents, and children"
AG/RES. 2012/04, "Violence against women Inter-American Convention to prevent, punish, and eradicate violence against women, "Convention of Belém do Pará" "
AG/RES. 2010/04, "Amendments to the statute of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism"
AG/RES. 1994/04, "Support for and Follow-Up to the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 1911/03, "Follow-Up on the International Conference on Financing for Development"
AG/RES. 1915/03, "Increasing and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities"
AG/RES. 1919/03, "American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
AG/RES. 1920/03, "Human Rights Defenders: Support for the Individuals, Groups, and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas"
AG/RES. 1932/03, "Access to Public Information: Strengthening Democracy"
AG/RES. 1941/03, "Promotion of Women's Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality"
AG/RES. 1953/03, "Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere"
AG/RES. 1957/03, "Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy. Follow-Up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
AG/RES. 1965/03, "Support for and Follow-Up to the Summits of the Americas Process"
AG/RES. 1842/02, "Human Rights in the Americas: Support for the Individuals, Groups, and Organizations of Civil Society Working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas", XXXII General Assembly of the OAS.
AG/RES. 1851/02, "American Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples"
AG/RES. 1855/02, "Adoption of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 2002-2005", XXXII General Assembly of the OAS.
AG/RES. 1870/02, "Follow-up to the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption and its Program for Cooperation", XXXII General Assembly of the OAS.
AG/RES. 1871/02, "Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere", XXXII General Assembly of the OAS.
AG/RES. 1890/02, "Evaluation of the Workings of the Inter-American System for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights with a View to its Improvement and Strengthening", XXXII General Assembly of the OAS.
AG/RES. 1891/02, "Inter-American Program of Cooperation to Prevent and Remedy Cases of International Abduction of Minors by One of Their Parents"
AG/RES. 1895/02, "Study on the Access of Persons to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights"
AG/RES. 1896/02, "Human Rights and the Environment in the Americas"
AG/RES. 1901/02, "Declaration of La Paz on Decentralization and on Strengthening Regional and Municipal Administrations and Participation of Civil Society
AG/RES. 1905/02, "Prevention of Racism and All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance and Consideration of the Preparation of an Inter-American Draft Convention"
AG/RES. 1852/02, "Increasing and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities"