
Balance de la Implementación de las Políticas Anti-trata en Colombia

Balance de la Implementación de las Políticas Anti-trata en Colombia

En junio de 2016, durante la elaboración de este informe y dos años después de haber sido elaborada, se aprueba la Estrategia Nacional para la lucha contra la Trata en Colombia en la cual se introduce específicamente el tema de generación de estrategias para la prevención de la trata en el marco del conflicto armado. 

PADF: Bolivian Community Defenders Curb Human Trafficking

PADF: Bolivian Community Defenders Curb Human Trafficking

PADF is working with local nonprofit Fundación Construir to implement a project in Bolivia that combats human trafficking in rural areas of the country, where most trafficking crimes occur and go unreported. We are training a team of rural indigenous women as Community Defenders to educate, advocate and coordinate anti-trafficking actions and encourage cooperation between government agencies.

InSight Crime: Human Trafficking Network Dismantled in Panama

Written by Parker Asmann

InSight Crime: Human Trafficking Network Dismantled in Panama

A Panama court has convicted and sentenced three members of a Nicaraguan-led human trafficking network focused on exploiting people for manual labor, a promising sign for a region still struggling to combat the illicit industry.

Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean

Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean

This report describes the nature and scope of the problem of trafficking in persons in Latin America and the Caribbean. It then describes U.S. efforts to deal with trafficking in persons in the region and discusses recent country and regional anti-trafficking efforts. The report concludes by raising issues that may be helpful for Congress to consider as it continues to address human trafficking as part of its authorization, appropriations, and oversight activities.

Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Persons in the Americas

By Fernando Garcia

  • 25 November 2016
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 3873
Nations and populations around the world, and countries of the Americas are not the exception, experience conditions such as poverty, unemployment, inequality, discrimination, exclusion, lack of a life perspective, among other factors. These hardships can contribute to the possible involvement of these populations with opportunities that seem to lead to a better life. However, what may seem like a great prospect, can turn into a crime that violates the basic human rights of individuals without differentiating among sex, social or economical status, political affiliation, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, to name a few.

The name for this crime is trafficking in persons and governments of the world, including member states of the Organization of American States (OAS) have signed and ratified conventions and protocols condemning the practice of criminal acts manifested in: sexual and labor exploitation, sex tourism, exploitation resulting from the illegal adoption of children, removal of organs, domestic servitude, forced marriages, children in armed conflicts, exploitation by street begging, etc.