
Fighting Back Against Crime In Guatemala

Journeyman Pictures

  • 29 March 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1356
Fighting Back Against Crime In Guatemala
This short documentary examines the fight against corruption, impunity, crime and violence in Guatemala that was led by former Attorney General (and now Secretary for Multidimensional Security of the OAS) Ms Claudia Paz y Paz. By improving and renovating the judicial system with a gender based approach, Ms Paz y Paz was able to reduce impunity in the country and therefore reducing the sense of insecurity and homicide rates. Her belief that no one is above the law led her to a colossal fight against former president Efraín Ríos Montt who’s now proven guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide. Her legacy in Guatemala is an example for other countries of Central America on how to reduce violence and strengthening democracy in their political institutions.

How we turned the tide on domestic violence (Hint: the Polaroid helped)

Esta Soler

  • 5 February 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1437
The vast array of consequences derived from violence against women is yet unknown in its majority due to a lack of conversation on the topic. Men believe that gender issues and segregation are just problems for a specific sector of society in which they don’t belong. It is then impossible to advance in the search for some solutions to violence when the half of the population is not interested on the topic. However, it is a mistake for men to think that gender issues do not comprise their areas of interest, creating empathy for victims is possible when the individuals threatened by this problems are mothers, sisters, daughters and sons of otherwise uninterested men. Esta Soler reminds us that laws and agencies alone are not enough to reduce violence against women, a change of culture and the reconstruction of social fabric are two enterprises that need the involvement of all of the members of society.

The reporting system that sexual assault survivors want

Jessica Ladd

  • 30 January 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1330
The fact that 99% of sexual offenders go unpunished in the United States is the most direct evidence of a system of double victimization and lack of empathy. The present system of institutions and social norms doubts and sometimes justifies cases of sexual abuse and/or misconduct, which results in low rates of reports. Jessica Ladd created a webpage that covers this mistakes, Callisto offers confidentiality and support to those who were victims of sexual offenders by representing them in front of authorities and by linking them with past victims in order to help with their psychological recuperation. Our society is in a massive debt with all those victims who were forgotten by the system and initiatives like Ladd’s are tools helping us to prevent these situations from happening in the future.

¿Cómo prevenir y reducir la violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe?

Sesión 3: Proteccion de grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad

¿Cómo prevenir y reducir la violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe?

Este tercer panel fue moderador por el Embajador de El Salvador ante la OEA, el Señor Carlos Alberto Calles Castillo, y contó con la particpación de la Comisionada Nacional para Prevenir y Erradicar la Violencia contra las Mujeres, Alejandra Negrete para hablar del tema de femicidios/feminicidios en México y de Pier Angelli De Luca, Asistente de Proyectos del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de la OEA, quien se refirió al caso de la juventud en conflicto con la ley en Jamaica. Los comentarios de este panel estuvieron a cargo de Edna Jaime, Fundadora y Directora General de México Evalúa. 

Huffington Post: Violence Against Women And Girls Is Not Inevitable

  • 25 November 2016
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 3927
Since 1999, November 25 has been designated by the UN General Assembly as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It is a day that has been marked by women’s rights activists around the world since 1981.