
IDB: Como parar o relógio da violência contra a mulher?

IDB: Como parar o relógio da violência contra a mulher?

Suélem Barroso, jornalista e consultora em comunicação do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, escreveu este artigo sobre algumas iniciativas para combater à violência contra as mulheres. Escreve que de cada três brasileiros dois tem presenciado a uma mulher sendo vítima de algum tipo de violência e que de acordo a Folha de São Paulo o Brasil registra dez estupros por dia. Também de acordo com os dados da publicação Visível e Invisível: A Vitimização de Mulheres no Brasil do Fórum de Segurança Pública: “70% das mulheres brasileiras de até 24 anos já sofreram algum tipo de agregação em espaços públicos”. As quatro iniciativas destacadas por Barroso são uma tentativa de reduzir a violência.

Brookings: A Crime-Fighting Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean

Brookings: A Crime-Fighting Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean

The writers of A Crime-Fighting Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean suggest that interventions that target experienced criminal leaders could reduce crime and violence, and therefore the costs, in the region. The authors developed a new theoretical model. This model includes two stages where someone decides whether to become a criminal or not and then how much crime s/he will commit if they decide to become a criminal. The theory assumes that a criminal’s best practices are learned from an experienced criminal leader.

Violent crime in São Paulo has dropped dramatically. Is this why?

World Economic Forum

  • 17 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1229
Violent crime in São Paulo has dropped dramatically. Is this why?
In this brief article, Robert Muggah and Ilona Szabó de Carvalho hint at some of the politics that led to the decrease of homicide in São Paulo from 52.5 per 100.000 in 1999 to 6.1 per 100.000 today. The renovation of the São Paulo state’s police that included the intensive use of data and technological tools opened the door for incorporation of hot spot and community policing strategies in the agency. Also, community-oriented policies planned from a public health perspective targeted the habits/conditions that were seen to trigger violence, such as the consumption and expend of alcohol at late night and the easy access to firearms. While police brutality is still a problem in the state, the reforms also included a process of culture change on what it means to be a police officer.

Rio Residents Support Military Intervention, but Doubt It Will Help

C.H. Gardiner

  • 10 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 996
Rio Residents Support Military Intervention, but Doubt It Will Help
Military intervention in urban areas are seen as a positive measure often because of the negative opinion citizens have on their police departments. Cases of corruption and even extrajudicial executions alienate people from police officers and create an atmosphere of mistrust in which crime thrives. Military personnel on the other hand enjoy of a generally good perception by the public because of the patriotic service they dive to their nation. However, it is evident for the public that a long lasting solution for the problems of their city’s crime and violence situation is not the constant presence of the armed forces in the streets. A survey conducted by InSight Crime confirms this idea through the data collected in present Rio de Janeiro where a militaristic approach has been used to combat crime.

Protegiendo a la infancia en Colombia

Raúl Arnaiz - Save the Children

  • 4 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1004
Protegiendo a la infancia en Colombia
Las condiciones de pobreza y segregación en Cali, Colombia dejan a los niños, niñas y adolescentes de poblaciones vulnerables en una situación precaria. Los hogares, en varios casos encabezados por solo la madre, se encuentran vacíos puesto a que dicha figura maternal se encuentra afuera buscando ingresos para la familia. En este ambiente, los pequeños carecen de guías adultas que les permitan educarse, socializar y/o alimentarse de una manera adecuada. Los hogares de la Comuna 18 instalados por la ONG “Save the Children” son espacios seguros para que los niños, niñas y adolescentes caleños puedan satisfacer sus necesidades básicas. La atención va más allá de la entrega de alimentos, en dicho hogar los pequeños pueden expresarse libremente por medio de las artes y los padres pueden obtener ayuda psicológica para contribuir en su labor de crianza. Al tener un espacio libre de violencia o de comportamientos negativos, los niños y niñas pueden socializar y adoptar normas de conducta saludables que no podrían haber aprendido en la realidad tosca de las calles de la Comuna 18. En pocas palabras, la construcción del tejido social desde dicho centro de ayuda provee esperanza y una certeza de futuro a los pequeños(as) y a sus padres/madres.