
¿Cómo prevenir la violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe?

Sesión 2: Focalización y control de factores de riesgo

¿Cómo prevenir la violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe?

Esta sesión fue moderada por el Embajador de México ante la OEA, el Señor Luis Alfonso de Alba, y contó con las experiencias de Colombia y Brasil. Para el caso colombiano, el Viceministro de Política Criminal y Justicia Restaurativa, Carlos Medina Ramírez, hizo referencia al tema de drogas. Por su parte, Iván Márques, del Instituto Sou da Paz, presentó la experiencia de Brasil en materia de control de armas. Los  comentarios a las dos intervenciones estuvieron a cargo de Eric Olson, Director Adjunto del Programa de América Latina y Asesor Senior del Instituto de México del Woodrow Wilson Center

Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC): The Public Health Approach to Violence Prevention

  • 15 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 3352
  • 0 Comentarios
Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC): The Public Health Approach to Violence Prevention

The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC), with funding from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and support from the Mattapan Community Health Center, Boston Police Department, and Boston Centers for Youth and Families, produced the "Our Mattapan. Many Pasts. One Future." violence prevention campaign. Residents and community members involved with BPHC's Violence Intervention and Prevention coalition in Mattapan worked hand-in-hand with city officials to create a powerful public awareness campaign that highlights the impact of violence in the neighborhood. The campaign empowered residents to tell their own stories and to share their thoughts on building an even stronger Mattapan by discouraging gun violence and by breaking stereotypes that sometimes define the neighborhood. The personal stories featured in "Our Mattapan" aim to illustrate the true impact of violence on a community in a way that encourages more people to get involved in violence prevention work.