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Prose Appreciation and Analysis-To Kill A Mockingbird

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Lisanne Edwards
  • Number of views: 7639
Prose Appreciation and Analysis-To Kill A Mockingbird
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Examining the subtle nature of Prejudice
Description: Engagement
Student created News Report on the events of the mob scene and the characters involved will be complied and presented to the class
Students will discuss the events of the report in relation to the background information on the author, setting, socio-historical context and the influence of this context
Students will then generate as many ideas as possible about the text in the form of a Speed Challenge.
Students will brainstorm the term prejudice discuss instances where they have been perpetrators or victims of prejudice
Discuss the origins of prejudice in light of prejudice being prejudgment
Pros and Cons grid-Arguments for and against the perspective that Cunningham was a victim of circumstances
Compass strategy-focus on Cunningham-his needs ,excitement,stance, worries in trios and then shared with the class.Students will note similar and differing perspectives.
Socratic questioning-Another way of looking at this is that Cunningham was a victim of his circumstances- does this seem reasonable?
What alternative ways of looking at this are there?

I was playing with the spoon."I thought Mr Cunningham was a friend of ours .You told me a long time ago he was."
Atticus placed his fork beside his knife and pushed his plate aside.'Mr Cunningham's basically a good man,' he said, 'he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us."Chapter 16 pg 173
Reaction Activity-react to the events following the "mob" taking into account Atticus' perspective.You may choose any form-poem, cartoon, song, visual interprtation and any other applicable way.
Focus Questions
What is the origin for our prejudicial attitudes?
Are humans inherently judgmental?
What are the blind spots that you have?
How often do you view life from others perspective?
Is it important to be able to view life from the perspective of others?

Culminating Actuvity
Class Journal-how has my thinking/perspective of life changed in any way?

Students are evaluated based on their:
o Ability to generate ‘sound’ ideas
o Participation in discussions
o Class journal and ability to link same with issues to be encountered in the text and real life.

Question for further thought:
What would have been my response given the same set of circumstances?

Use of Language and Characterization

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Joye Ritchie
  • Number of views: 7848
Use of Language and Characterization
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Evaluating how word choice is used to develop characters
Description: Whole Class Discussion - Teacher will use a seres of guided questions to get students to think about word choice and the kinds of words used to describe the main characters; Small Group Discussion: Each group is given several words and will discuss their effectiveness with regards to developing the characters; Small Groups will dramatize their selected words to demonstrate who important they are in understanding a specific character. Whole Class Evaluation: Students will then critique each performance and evaluate whether or not they now have a better understanding of the character. Independent Learning: Students will evaluate how the juxtaposition of words help to reveal specific characters by connecting the discussions and dramatizations.

Poetry - Night of the Scorpion

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Davina Bethel
  • Number of views: 12138
Poetry - Night of the Scorpion
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literature Poetry - Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel
Description: 4. Development:Teacher Identifies the criteria for analyzing a poem at BJC level. You must always keep in mind An awareness or appreciation of: Content, Language, Style, Tone, Structure 5. Teacher Instructs students to read the poem night of the scorpion. First line by line. Secondly sentence by sentence following stanza by stanza. 6. Teacher -In 4 groups students are instructed to find the figurative devices used. Indicate and quote the line. (Personification, Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia) 7. Student find indicate and quote the line (written). 8. Teacher instructs 3 groups student to locate from computer/ internet brief information on Hindu belief of reincarnation and discusses religions in the Bahamas and superstitions of Bahamians.. Students Each group report their findings. 10. Teacher Instruct students to watch power point which gives information on the poet and analyses the poem almost line by line. 11. Students at this time will be able to see if their group predictions and quotes were correct. 12. Teacher instructs student to complete the Compass Point (Active Learning Strategy) the poet has made use of various types of imagery: Visual imagery • scorpion crawling beneath a sack of rice • peasants came like swarms of flies Smell imagery • smell of candles • smell of burning oil in the lanterns Tactile experience • scorpion biting the mother • father pouring paraffin on the toe. Internal sensation • fear • pain Sound imagery • buzzed the name of god a hundred times • they clicked their tongues 13. Student Excitement – I can detect the images created by the poet to bring the characters in the poem to life. I can identify figurative language used in poetry. Needs – Need to be clear on what imagery is and the different types of figurative language used in poetry. Stance/Steps – Research the use of imagery and figurative language in poetry in order to analyze the poem. Worries - Not being able to identify the images and figurative language used in the poem. Development Days 2 go to three if needed 3 14. Teacher Instructs students to now arrange themselves into a Fish Bowl (Active Learning Strategy) to discuss the full analysis of a poem. Content - Subject matter of the poem or what it is about; • Also includes the message of the poem and its tone. (The poem is about the night when a woman (the poet's mother) in a poor village in India is stung by a scorpion. Concerned neighbours pour into her hut to offer advice and help. All sorts of cures are tried by the neighbours, her husband and the local holy man, but time proves to be the best healer - 'After twenty hours / it lost its sting.') Language • The poet’s choice of vocabulary; • Must comment on choice of words and how effective they are. (The poem is written in first person, should be able to pick out clue words that awake diction) Style • How the poet chooses to write; • The devices that they use. (The poem is written in first person, using lots of figurative language) Tone...

When it Rains, it Pours

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Afrine Hill-Walker
  • Number of views: 6082
When it Rains, it Pours
Students’ age range: Not specified
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry Analysis
Description: Students will enter a darkened room where the sound effects of a thunderstorm are ongoing. After a minute or two, the effects will be turned off and a volunteer will identify what they heard and identify the elements of the thunderstorm. Two other volunteers will relay their experiences concerning storms and how they feel about it. This will be done using the fish bone technique. Then a volunteer will read the poem and another student will explain what (s)he understands from what was read. The idea of things having layers of meaning and the concept of allegory will be introduced. The students will use their smartphones to research the colonization of Malawi and locate the country on the map of Africa, as well as learn a little about the country's history and culture. This will be shared with the rest of the class and the leaders of the discussion will offer up possible links between the background and the symbols and other images in the poem. From the ideas brought out, students will try to give another interpretation to the poem.


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Clarice Cox
  • Number of views: 9318
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literary Fantasy
Description: Content
Fantasy is the activity of imagining impossible or unlikely things.
There are many types of fantasy based stories such as, fables, heroic quest and fairy tales. These stories may even include magical beings, talking animals, gods and goddesses.
Fantasy tends to concentrate on the emotional character of standard truths and experiences: birth, growth, wisdom, pain, love, fear, sin, guilt, beauty, discipline, good and evil, sacrifice and death.
The stories lead to statements about human beings’ encounters with their inner selves.

Examples of stories that are categorized as literary Fantasy
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Peter Pan
The Little Mermaid
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The teacher will state there are many types of fictional stories fantasy is a special type of fiction.
The students will listen attentively.
The teacher will display the word fantasy and ask students think about its meaning. (Think –Pair-Share).
The students will think about the meaning of the word fantasy.
The teacher will ask students to discuss their answer with a peer.
The students will discuss their answer with a pair.
The teacher will select students to share what they discussed in their groups.
The students will share answers with the class.
The teacher will display the definition of the word fantasy using a projector.
The students will read the definition.
The teacher will state the definition in a chant and ask students to repeat chant.
The students will state the definition in a chant.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners -student will state the definition in a chant keeping a beat or rhythm. (This is done to keep the student with ADHD alert and involved.)
The teacher will explain that literary fantasy has central themes.
The students will listen attentively and recall details.
The teacher will discuss various themes that appear in literary fantasy (using Grand Discussion strategy).
The students will engage in discussion, answering question and making statements in an orderly fashion.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners- student will engage in discussion and express his opinions (this will aid in keeping the student focus).
The teacher will ask students to give examples of some children’s stories that would be categorized as literary fantasy.
The students will give examples of some children’s stories that would be categorized as literary fantasy.
The teacher will ask students to watch Thumbelina and list facts (on folder sheet) that make the story literary fantasy.
The students will watch Thumbelina and list facts (on folder sheet) that make the story literary fantasy.
Adaptation for Exceptional Learners - student will collect papers in an effort to keep him active and give him the option to move around.
To conclude th...