Lesson Plans - Details

The Historical Process

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Rochelle Campbell-Fletcher
  • Number of views: 9288
The Historical Process
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Migratory movements and patterns of settlements in the Caribbean
Description: 1. Zoom in method- Teacher will use the zoom in method of a picture of the Jamaica coat of arms which has the inscription ‘Out of many, one people”. Students will be encouraged to share what the inscription means having figured out what the picturerepresents.
2. Trio Discussion – How did all the different groups that now lives in the Caribbean get here? Representatives from each group will share their ideas with the entire class.
3. Students directed my teacher will be directed to the smart board to trace the journey of the Spanish, English, French, African ancestors to the Caribbean
4. Students will read from handouts and discuss where they settled and their contributions to the Caribbean eg. Language, dress, food etc

Christian Worship

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Opal Smith-Alexander
  • Number of views: 9586
Christian Worship
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Religious education
Topic: How when and where do people of different world religions hold public worship?
Description: Step One:
Play a game of Wheel of Fortune to arrive at the topic to be discussed in the lesson.

Step Two:
Students and teacher will watch a video of public worship being done by Christians.

Step Three:
Using the Fish Bowl method, the students in the center of the class will discuss ways in which Christians worship. They will also identify instruments used in worship sessions by Christians.

Step Four:
Another set of students will sit in the fish bowl to discuss why worship is important for believers of Christianity

Batteries and Cells

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Patrick McDonald
  • Number of views: 6763
Batteries and Cells
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Batteries and Cells
Description: Questioning
Practical: Making sketches

Los Medios de transporte

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Richard PALMER
  • Number of views: 16044
 Los Medios de transporte
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Los Medios de transporte
Description: Utilizing Media, Materials, and Methods: Video? entitled “Los Medios de Transporte” taken from youtube will be used to introduce the lesson. The video will prompt students into coming up with the topic for the day. The Interactive Chart? will be used to solidify students’ understanding of the topic. The will classify the various types of transportations into their respective modes. The interactive powerpoint ?will be used as a reinforcer to the interactive chart and will be used to facilitate the inclusion of high tech into the classroom. Educational Game? will be used to get students excited about the lesson and to show their understanding of the concepts being taught. Speakers? will be used to amplify the sounds being played by the teachers. Projector? will be used to project information that is to be seen by all students. Markers and Whiteboard ?will be used to present visual representations of the information being presented and to highlight salient points of the lesson. 1. Preview the materials?: The Video, Educational Game and Chart will be reviewed to ensure that the content is relevant to the topic and that there are no errors presented in them. 2. Prepare the materials:? The Powerpoint presentation , educational game and interactive chart will be meticulously searched for, downloaded and made respectively prior to the commencement of the class. 3. Prepare the environment:? Class will be held in the Early Childhood computer lab. Teachers will go to the class before the start time to see to it that the necessary equipment are in places,ensure lighting is proper and Air conditioning temperature is at a tolerable level for all students. 4. Prepare the learners?: Students will engage students by firstly creating a positive psychosocial environment (greeting the students and ensuring that they are doing fine today). Teachers will then introduce and ask students to watch the video ‘Los Medios de Transporte” and take notes of what they have watched to discuss with class afterwards. Learner Participation This lesson will be split into five sections each lasting between 5-10 minutes for a duration of 35 of 40 minutes. The five minutes of the 40 not planned for is to accommodate student questions, delays in technology and transition or thinking time. Segment 1 - 5 Minutes Teacher will: 1. Allow students to watch a video based on modes of transportation and monitor as they take meaningful notes. 2. Ask students about the types of transportation they use and that which is present in Jamaica. Students will: 1. Watch attentively the short video and make notes about types of transport. 2. Share information about the types of transportation they know of and use. Segment 2- 10 minutes Teacher will: 1. Allow students to sit in their groups to research information on types of transportation 2. Teacher will pay attention as students explain and ask questions to guide students. 3. Explain the concept of land, air and sea transport and the different transport...

Map Reading – Describing Drainage on a Map

  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 11256
Map Reading – Describing Drainage on a Map
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Describing Drainage on an Ordinance Survey Map
Description: Development
Riddle me this, riddle me that, guess this riddle and perhaps not!
What always run but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleep, has a mouth but does not eat, has a head but does not weep?
Brain Teaser
How do three lions and three wildebeests, fleeing from a wildfire, cross over to the left bank of a crocodile-infested river to escape the flames? There’s a raft! But there are a few rules that must be followed in order to solve the puzzle: The raft can only hold two animals at a time, at least one animal is needed to row, if lions ever outnumber a wildebeest they’ll eat it, and there’s no swimming.
STEP 1 – engage and explore
Teacher distribute maps to students;
Instruct students to study the map
Students becomes familiar with the map
Teacher Asks the following questions:
What do you think is meant by drainage on the map?
What symbols on the map would indicate drainage?
Students Respond to questions

STEP 2 – explain and elaborate
Teacher What would you include in your description of drainage on a map?
Students identify the main river and its tributaries; drainage pattern developed, direction of flow, drainage of density, stage of the river, length and width of the river, speed of the river; features that develop along the rivers.
Teacher How do we go about getting this information from the map?
Directs students’ attention to the power point
Teacher & Students discuss information in the presentation and identify relevant examples on the map extract being used.
