Lesson Plans - Details

Energy conservation

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 44230
Energy conservation
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Description: The teacher will ask for about for volunteers to take part in a class race. The teacher will instruct students to carry as many beans from one side of the class to the other as quickly as possible. Once completed the teacher will ask students the following questions:
What was needed in order to carry out the activity?
Why is energy important?
Where else is energy exerted?
Distribute construction paper to students in groups of about three (3). Students will be asked to gather ideas of where energy exerted using a mapping technique. Once completed students will be required to give examples of how energy is exerted in each environment, and how best persons can assist in conserving energy in the environment.
Students will join groups of three (3), which they will work together to collaborate ideas on where energy is exerted and also how energy can be conserved by persons in these specific communities. Once completed students will present information.
Share a definition of energy to students. The teacher will highlight responses where energy is found.The guided practice would be an explanation of the ways energy is used in the community and how we can conserve, allowing all students to add inputs to cases viewed during the cooperative discussion lead by the teacher.
Students will be expected to share their ideas of where energy is exerted and also how it can be conserved after viewing various scenarios viewed in class.
The teacher will divide the class into two groups. The teacher will present questions such as:
What is energy
Why is energy important
How can we conserve energy used in various áreas within our island
What is our government doing to promote conservation of energy

Force and Energy

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 11631
Force and Energy
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Energy
Description: The teacher will tell the students that their movement is an example of kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion.
The teacher will give them an example of kinetic energy, such as a child who is running down the street. Explain that potential energy is the energy that is stored in an object. An example of potential energy would be a child who is sitting still.
The teacher will tell the students that they will be doing an experiment and learning more about force, motion, and energy.
Students will be asked to identify the pictures that are mounted with prompt from the teacher.
Different Forms of Energy.Potential versus Kinetic Energy
Throughout history, conversations have allowed us to see different perspectives, build ideas, and solve problems. Conversations push students to think and learn in lasting ways. Academic conversations are back-and-forth dialogues in which students focus on a topic and explore it by building, challenging, and negotiating relevant ideas.

The skills include the following:
• Supporting one's ideas
• Building on or challenging another's ideas
• Applying ideas to life
• Paraphrasing/Summarizing
Students will respond to questions posed by the teacher.
Students will apply individual and collective skills.
The teacher will give the groups 5-10 minutes to discuss as smaller groups and then call the students back to the whole group.
The teacher will distribute a pencil the experiment organizer to each group.
Allow individual groups to share their ideas, and challenge other students to ask clarifying questions using the question guides.
Circulate around the groups to assist as needed.
Students will work in groups to complete their experiment.

The senses

  • 19 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 10768
The senses
Students’ age range: Not specified
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: To explore and discover the characteristics of the elements and phenomena through inquiry processes that stimulate their curiosity by encouraging respect for natural and cultural diversity.
Description: Dialogue with the children of what was done on the weekend. Song: "My face". Observe slides. Recognize the senses and paint them
Form the square with plasticineAfter the initial activities we sang the song "My face" Then we organized to elaborate the planning of the Significant Situation, the same we do asking the children what they have done this weekend and Shaila told us that he liked the Song of "Mi carita" and we are based on this song for the theme of the week.
We pass a child to the front to explain each of the senses and their functions and
We ask you to observe pictures where the images of the senses are found to proceed to give them a leaf and recognize each one of the senses and then paint them red.
Next we ask that they form two columns and we go them to wash the hands to serve their respective lunch.
We deliver blue plasticine to be kneaded with your little hands and form a square.
We remember what we learned and we sing watch to go home

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

  • 18 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 10079
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: The class will focus on the strategies for energy and conservation efficiency
Description: Students discover ways to save energy by applying the socrative seminar method and collaborative work which ends in a project presentation.
Step 1: hangout students discover the phrase: energy conservation Step 2: teacher applies the strategy Socrative Seminar and explain to students they will be using this strategy. Ask some questions such as: Do we have behaviors that lead to saving energy? Step 3: Guided practice Teachers asks students to work in collaboration to identify the energy saving practices that can be used at school. Step 4: Independent practice: students participate in a project

Using and Saving Energy

  • 18 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 10103
Using and Saving Energy
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Critical Thinking in Action
Description: 1. Carry students through a K.W.L activity for students to organize their prior knowledge, thoughts and questions about the topic Using and Saving Energy in the Home and School Environment.
2. Create a KWLchart on the blackboard or an overhead transparency. Ask students to brainstorm words, terms, or phrases they associate with a topic. Record these associations in the “K”column of their charts. This is done until students have exhausted their ideas.
• Begin by brainstorming everything they Know about the topic of Using and Saving Energy in the Home and School Environment. This information is recorded in the K column of a K-W-L chart.
• Brainstorm words, terms, or phrases they associate with the topic. Record these associations in the “K” column of their charts
• Generate a list of questions about what they Want to Know about the topic. These questions are listed in the “W” column of the chart.
• During or after lesson has been completed, students answer the questions that are in the “W” column. This new information that they have Learned is recorded in the “L”column of the K-W-L chart.
3. Ask students what they want to learn about the topic. The teacher and students will record these questions in the W column of their charts. This is done until students run out of ideas for questions. If students respond with statements, turn them into questions before recording them in the “W” column.
4. Students can fill out their “L” columns either during or after lesson is completed