Lesson Plans - Details

Basic components of a computer

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sasha-Lee Campbell
  • Number of views: 9034
Basic components of a computer
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Basic components of a computer
Description: Introductory Activity:
Students will be engaged in ice breaker and brief introduction with the teacher.
Step 2
Students and teacher will be engaged in a brainstorming session through questioning to gather information on what they already know about the computer.
Step 3
Students and teacher will be engaged in a brainstorming session through questioning to define the term hardware
Step 4
Students will be engaged in a musical activity where music will be played and a bag passed around the class, the student who has the bag when the music is paused will choose a question from the bag and try to answer it.
Step 5
Students will be guided into forming pairs to formulate and explain the functions of the major hardware components for a maximum of fifteen minutes.

Properties of Matter

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Ryan Smith
  • Number of views: 15223
Properties of Matter
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Matter
Description: Explain:
-that everything around us takes up space and is made of matter.
-it takes many shapes and forms.
-it can be grouped into 3 main states; solids, liquids and gases and they all have different properties.
-we look at the shape, mass and volume to determine its properties.
-solids have a definite shape and does not change when placed into a container.
-liquids do not have a definite shape but it takes the shape of a container.
-gas does not have a definite shapes or mass.
Ask student to think about their home and school environment to determine the properties of matter by evaluation of its characteristics.
Have students orally place matter around us in each category by process of elimination.
Show by experiment how water can be solid(display ice cubes), liquid(display a glass of water) and gas(display stream from a kettle of hot water) while explaining its properties.
Pupils would also have an opportunity to touch, feel and see the different forms and textures of matter for better understanding

Concert Band

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tita Jagessar
  • Number of views: 7459
Concert Band
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: Note values, counting and rhytms
Description: 1. Students will review their rhythm chart with their group to refresh the notes/ rests and their values.
2. As a group, students will find rhythms in their band music that uses each of the note/ rest values.
3. As a group, students will discuss within their groups how to count the rhythms.
4. As a group, students will write in their counting method with the rhythm in the rhythm box on the chart.
5. Each group will elect a leader to teach the band how to count the rhythm.
6. Each group will elect a leader to demonstrate how to play the rhythm for the class.
7. Students will be able to apply the information learned to new music and rhythms as they encounter them.

Peer Pressure

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Antonio Baker
  • Number of views: 12031
Peer Pressure
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Peer Pressure
Description: Introduction: Counsellor will do a poem entitled “Them a pressure mi” after which students will be asked to identify some of the things that were happening to the character in the poem. Based on the discussion counsellor will ask students to guess what the topic for the day’s lesson will be.

Step 1
Counsellor will ask students to give a list of 5-10 words that are associated with peer pressure. These will be recorded on a semantic map. The counsellor will then ask the students to use the associated words to form their own definition of peer pressure.
Counsellor will then give students a formal definition for the term.

Step 2
Counsellor will make reference to the introductory activity and ask the students how the character felt.
Counsellor will ask students to name some other feelings that may be associated with peer pressure.
Counsellor will also asked students to share an experience where they were pressured by their peers to do something negative and how it made them feel.

Step 3
The counsellors will engage students in a discussion to unearth some strategies they can use to combat peer pressure in their school and community.
The counsellor will also recount an instance when peer pressure had a negative effect on a person that was known to him.

Discussion Training Workshop

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Kimmera Grant-Garrick
  • Number of views: 8067
 Discussion Training Workshop
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Teaching Discussion foe External Examination
Description: Previous Knowledge: The students are familiar with the meaning behind stage 2/ level 3. They also have contento n the scenario to be spoken about the discussion.

• The teacher will engage students in a discussion of the objective behind conducting the training workshop.Then the teacher will give individual students the discussion assessment rubric.
• The students will read assessment rubric to discuss the expected rules/features of doing the discussion done at stage 3/ level 2.They will relate the expected rules/features of doing this discussion as both members of the inner and outer circle, and then collect individual folders with sheets of papers. [Pros and Cons Grid, Critique results sheets for video and outer circle documentation]

• Teacher will encourage students to watch the videoed discussion with members of the inner circle engaged in a bad practice and best practice involved in doing a discussion competently at stage 3/level .
• While watching these video clips, the students will be asked to use the rubric given to critique this videoed discussion and document their results on sheets of papers given with a pros and cons grid.
• Students will return the pros and cons sheets of papers to the teacher.

• The teacher will view the students Pros and Cons sheeted responses on an overhead projector, and by way of whole classroom discussion the students will note and share the rules and features expected of them when they partake in being in the inner or outer circle member.

Extension and Evaluation
• The students will be asked to arrange themsevles as members of the outer circle.
• Teacher will choose members for the inner circle members once unless they failed the assesment.
• Each member will engage in their expected roles [ as either inner circle member and outer circle members] when encouraged to do so. Each student will be graded according to the specifications of the rubric for stage3/level 2 at that time.
• Each has at mínimum five minutes to engage in the meaningful discussion of the given scenarion. The teacher will use a stop watch to ensure the time is adhered to. After a group discussion presentation, he outer group members will present their scores for the individual students as they are asked to do, once their names are called. When a student is awarded a failing grade that students will remain to be part of the next group members to be called to the inner circle.