Lesson Plans - Details

Genetic Engeering

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sonia Miller
  • Number of views: 10513
Genetic Engeering
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Genetic Engineering
Description: Brainstorming, sthink pair share activities will be used to get out students concept of what genetic engineering is.
Students wwill bw allowed to read the definition displayed on LCD Projector. Teacher will explain the term.
Pictures involving aspects of genetic engineering will be highlighed. Students will observe the pictures and make comments.
Other areas in agriculture and medicine will be identified.

Students will be allowed to work in groups of four and research using their phones and the internet in class the pros and cons of genetic engineering.
One person from each group will make a group report.

Students will be asked to state some imlications of genetic engineering. Stuents informations will be liste don the board. Teacher will add to students list.

The Fish bowl teaching strategy will be used to get students views on genetic engineeering whether its bad or good giving reasons for their answers.


  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nazia Kasimbeg
  • Number of views: 8237
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Mother's Day
Description: - I greet the students and ask them how their day was so far.
- Then I place a few pictures on the blackboard of the story “Mother”. I tell the students that I have placed a few pictures of the binning of a story. Then I ask the students the following questions:
- What do you see in the 2 pictures? ( A woman and a child sitting next to each other) ( the woman is holding the child in her arms)
- What kind of relationship do you think that they have?
- When you look at the pictures do they look sad or happy?
- So class if you look at these pictures what do you think the title of this lesson is?
- Why do you think that this lesson will be about a mother? ( because it soon will be Mother’s day)
- Do you know when it will be Mother’s day? ( it is on the second Sunday in May)
- During the lesson I give the students compliments for their answers!
- Now, let’s learn something more about this name” Mother”
- As we have seen there is a mother and a child, what do you think will happen with the mother?
- Do you think that the woman or child will be happy throughout the entire text? 9 the students will give different answers)
- Ok, so now we are going to find that out in a short period!
- In a while you will be getting a short text, read it very careful and state if what you all said earlier was true!
- Keep in mind:
Read the text at least 2 times; then read the questions which are asked; then read the text again to found the answers. Note: the questions of the text are multiple choice.
- After giving the instructions the students are going to read the text.
- After 10 minutes I correct the questions by giving the students a turn to answer.
- Hereafter I ask the students if their presumptions were correct.
- Did both characters remain happy?
- Now that you have read the text and answered the questions about this text, I am sure that someone special came to your mind such as your mother or guardian.

Persuasive Writing

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jamaine Wiltshire
  • Number of views: 8010
Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Author's Purpose
Description: Using a multimedia projector, the teacher will show a Pepsi advertisement featuring Ray Charles. The teccher will then ask the students what the advertisement was about. After students have responded the teacher will show the lyrics to the add on the multimedia projector and questtion the class about what they think was the intention of the person who wrote the lyrics.

Male & Female Reproductive Organs

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Lakeisha Gossner
  • Number of views: 11155
Male & Female Reproductive Organs
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Health
Topic: Are teens Ready To Be Parents?
Description: 1. Briefly review male & Female reproductive organs
2. Present topic and scenario of Sally unable to complete high school because she got pregnant
3. Distribute compass point stategy and information to students. discuss
4. Distribute materials to each group
5. Have student groups discuss the four compass points as it relate to the topic.
6. Give students time to créate list and design poster
7. Have each group present to the class

Word Recognition- Sight Words

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Celina Roach
  • Number of views: 9864
 Word Recognition- Sight Words
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Water Words Class
Description: The lesson will commence with the pupils watching a video clip of Sesame Street on you tube entitled “Don’t Waste Water”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovn7s7lvWi8

The pupils will then be asked to guess the topic for the day and a few minutes will be given for the desired response which is “Water”. The teacher will then go on to show students the water pond chart which would contain in the first instance the words to be learnt for the first few lessons. The teacher will use a different chart of words in the water pond when the students would have mastered the first set of words. The students will be taught various ways to remember the words via music as well as having word walls posted on the chalk board. There will also be a picture word wall to complement the written words. The students will then play a short game of pulling words from a box and practice using the water words in a sentence. The teacher will then give the students work sheets to have them fill out and find the water words. The students will also be reminded of the value and importance of water and be informed that there are individuals in all parts of the world that may not have the privilege of having potable water. The students will engage in a discussion about the importance of water. The students will be asked to imagine if they could drink or cook or wash laundry in unpotable water. This will start the discussion. The teacher will guide the discussion accordingly. All resource teachers would work along with the English teacher or vice versa such as the Science teacher, Home Economics and Art teacher for an Integrated approach.
