Lesson Plans - Details

Identifying ‘the main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in writing.

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Marko Scantlebury
  • Number of views: 14873
Identifying ‘the main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in writing.
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Comprehension
Description: Students will view a video presentation entitled ‘Batman versus Superman’ and the teacher will ask several questions such as “What is video about?”, “State two things that recall from the video” and ‘Which part of the video did you enjoy the most?” to generate discussion. Answers will be conferred and students asked if they could guess what will be discussed today. The teacher will introduce the lesson.
Learning Activities/Experiences:
The students will be asked to recall meanings of the terms, ‘main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in their own words. Students will understand the concept of finding the main idea and supporting details.
The teacher will organize students in groups and engage them in “Two-Minute Talks”, an activating strategy. Students will listen attentively and follow the instructions of the teacher. They will be asked to read a short information passage on elephants.

Students will work in pairs and share by brainstorming everything they know about elephants. Students will retell a portion of their findings in their “two-minute talks” or the fishbowl technique to share ideas and evaluate written information and the information presented by their peers.
The teacher will do a close reading of a comprehension passage about elephants questioning students before, during and after the reading. Then, students will re-read passage and complete their assessment.

Identifying Main Idea

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tashieka Burris-Melville
  • Number of views: 9944
Identifying Main Idea
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literal Level Comprehension
Description: Teacher will elicit from students what a main idea is
Students will respond by sharing what they know about main idea
Teacher will present a short paragraph on the board.
Saturday at the Carnival
James and his sister Anna went to the carnival on Saturday. They rode the merry-go-round, the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel. James ate popcorn and a hot dog. Anna drank lemonade and ate an apple. They saw many exciting shows. They were tired when they went home.
Teacher and students will read the paragraph
Students will be asked to say what the paragraph is mainly about.
Teacher will guide students in discussing main ideas and supporting details.
Students will be asked to identify at least three of the details that support the main idea in the paragraphs.
Students will be asked to identify the main ideas of a number of paragraphs.

Noting Stated Sequence

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shalieka Burris
  • Number of views: 8416
Noting Stated Sequence
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literacy Comprehension
Description: Sequencing refers to putting events or actions in order. One example is chronological order, as is common with historical events. Another is the ordering of steps to carry out, as we find with procedures such as instructions, recipes, and manuals. Time life cycle also uses the sequential format.Teacher will introduce lesson by asking students if they have ever been involved in baking a cake. Students who answer in the affirmative will be asked to outline the procedure of baking a cake to fellow classmates. Teacher will record the procedure of baking a cake on the chalkboard. Students will be asked to read the steps involved in baking a cake.
Students will listen attentively while an excerpt “The Tiger Who Came to Tea” will be read to them. Students will be challenged to recall the order in which the events occurred in the passage.
Teacher will introduce the term sequence to students as well as explain to them that they have listed the order or sequence in which the events occurred in the story. The teacher will also brainstorm and introduce students to list of words that show/ signal sequencing. • Students will be asked to orally discuss the things they do at home in the morning on a daily basis. Their answer will be recorded on the board. Students will be asked to orally discuss the things they do at home in the morning on a daily basis. Their answer will be recorded on the board.

Introduction to Geography

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: vanessa samuels
  • Number of views: 10754
Introduction to Geography
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: 877
Description: Cards will be given to students for them to write the words that comes to mind using markers, they will then tape their cards on the board. Students will then derive a meaning from the cards taped on the board. They will listen to a short passage and identify the two main branches of geography. Then students will discussed in their group the other branches and examples of them using their dictionaries and textbooks. the teacher will monitor each group afterwards, the group members will present what they discussed and the students will state whether they agree or not and tell why. At this point misconceptions will be cleared up and the teacher will guide student's learning. Students will also share careers using group effort and will be given an activity after lesson to cover the fundamentals of the lesson.

The Atmosphere

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Suzette Knowles
  • Number of views: 7144
The Atmosphere
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: What happens to the Atmosphere from humans making it dirty, not protecting it as it Protects humans.
Description: The teacher facilitates the Zoom in introductory activity showing parts of a picture for students to guess the topic. The teacher facilitates the Think- Pair- Share activity to determine what students know, want to know and learned anticipatory chart/ card. Next students will be provided with an interactive note page and a foldable note page prior to watching a video. Students are asked to take notes of the characteristics of each layer on the foldable note page. Watch It: The 5 minute video: Learning about the planet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyfN9t_E0w8 is watched in class. As students watch video, they will take notes of the characteristics of each layer on the foldable note page. Upon completion of watching the video, students will individually create an Interactive note page with the layers of the Atmosphere labelling each correctly. https://nittygrittyscience.com/product/earths-atmosphere/ cost $5 Next, students will perform a peer review, where each will examine to see if their notes are correct and layers are in correct order. Next students in two groups read a story about Acid Rain and pollution from the site http://www.softschools.com/language_arts/reading_comprehension/science/100/air_pollution/ They use a two column note taking chart on poster board to identify the main points and supporting details from site https://www.nbss.ie/sites/default/files/ publications/ two_column _notes.pdf. Each group has to create or develop four questions excluding “why” but can use where, how and what to begin open end questions. Each group will share their main ideas and supporting details (teacher write on the board). Teacher explains to students the rubric for the activity and ensure that each group understands what they are to do. Conclusion: Debrief about the topics. Students identifying what they do not understand from the lesson. Teacher will ask open-ended questions to cement the relation between math and Social Studies. as well as to hear the students explain their understanding of the topic Teacher will correct misconceptions where necessary. Students will be given a worksheet to answer questions pertaining to layers of the atmosphere along with pollution and acid rain. Lesson 2: - Students are provided with a story about Global Warming, Green House Effect and Ozone Layers to preview for 10 minutes. Provided with concept map for students to record information on the documents. https://sites.google.com/site/alliestch306webpage/strategy-7-discussion-webs-and-concept-maps per the section assigned by teacher for group to discuss. - Teacher divides the group into a group of three and one of five. It is a CLOSED FISH BOWL. Students will participate in the Fishbowl strategy today. The teacher will have the groups swap from in to out so they can practice note taking, listening and have all students involved. The students in the inner circle will speak about the Greenhouse effect until there are not more information to be added, then they will...