Lesson Plans - Details

El viaje exterior

  • 25 April 2018
  • Number of views: 7697
El viaje exterior
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: En el aeropuerto
Description: Engagement: The students will be greeted in Spanish.They will then look at cartoon stip and then read aloud.They will then watch a short video on going through the airport. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=layomQq_--w

Exploration: The students will be asked to do a research at least a week before class on the Spanish speaking country or countries that they have visited or would like to visit and will be given certian words or phrases to aid in the smooth running of the lesson. Using the fish bowl strategy,five students will be placed in the centre of the circle and they will talk about the Spanish-speaking country or countries they have visited or would like to visit. Students will indicate by clapping their hands twice in order to go into the circle.They would ask questions about the country or countries for example on the currency used,music dance and places of interest. They will be given a set time to talk on different aspects. Students will be encouraged to stay on the topic. A particular student will bounce a ball if they have diverted from the topic at hand.They will also talk about about using the kiosk machine to check in whether they like it or not.
Explanation: Vocabulary will be placed on board. Students will use the future tense and the preterite tense and other tenses where necessary. They will be required to ask directions as they move from one part of the airport to another. If one of their friends is unable to find his/her way through the airport he/she such be able to send whatsapp messages to that friend to help him/her find his her way around.For example, they will ask where to find the cambio the gift shop and the restroom. They will also be required to read and follow signs in the airport.
Elaboration: Listen to an announcement given at the airport and then help someone who is sitting beside him/her who does not understand.The announcement will then be placed on the screen for them to read. They will make note of any additional vocabulary found in announcement. Additionally, students will respond accordingly based on the announcement whether to go to the counter designated for the airline or to start boarding. Students will role play scenes going through customs and immigration.They will bring costumes to do their dramatization as they would have been notified ahead of time. For this presentation the facilitaor will assign a student to video the presentation and one to take pictures. They will also fill out their immigration forms and custom forms. They will also state if they have anything to declare.

Evaluation 1: Students will create and send an email to their teacher about their experience at the airport.

Analysing a Short Story - Elements of Prose Fiction

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Taneica Hunt-Vassell
  • Number of views: 15023
Analysing a Short Story - Elements of Prose Fiction
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Short Story - The Two Grandmothers by Olive Senior
Description: Introductory Activity:
1. Using think-pair share the teacher will let students talk about their grandparents’ qualities, emphasizing their likes and dislikes.
2. Brainstorm – allow students to speak about noticeable characteristics in the behaviour and speech of very young children.

Developing Activity:
1. A look at the title – what it indicates (It may suggest separate ideas or antagonism).
2. Sectional reading and discussion. Highlight the point –of –view and talk about the negatives and positives effects of having a child narrator.
3. Whole class discussion on story elements, with some emphasis on character type/personality and values
4. From discussions, include the following themes:
- Religion - a child in adult world/ childhood innocence
- Relationships - country vs town life - prejudice/racism
- materialism
5. The writer’s:
-Many paragraphs begin and end with Mummy or Mom. Why was there a change to Mom?
- Many paragraphs end with a question mark. What does this suggest?
- Sectional division…effect?
- Note punctuation in paragraph 1 (suggesting excitement, talkative young kid)
6. Students pass judgment, and support, what they believe are “good” values


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tonya Storr-Belle
  • Number of views: 7157
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Narrative Writing - Trait-Organization
Description: Volunteer give prompt: The cockroach invasion.
Say that we should be able to write a problem – solution draft
use signal words in our writing so that it will be organized
create and invent scenes to entertain or engage the audience
Focus on White board. Take out handout.
Read notes as group is called.
Read problems written give suggestions for example pet/animal escaping from cage
Reread with teacher then partner share
Complete a problem solution flow chart with partner
Write paragraph using what if ideas.
Important Questions to Consider
• What problem is the character facing?
• Where is the character?
• Why is it important for the character to solve this problem?
• What makes the problem difficult?• How does the character resolve the problem?Say that we should be able to identify transitions / signal words, and include them in our writing so that it will be organized
In groups will summarize the purpose of a fictional narrative and list the elements of this type of story and the structure.
Characters• Setting • Problem • Events. • Resolution. .

Do a Zip Around if there is time – Calla volunteer to read his / her short write


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: shontelle richards
  • Number of views: 8258
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Predicitng the Story
Description: • The teacher will introduce to students to the text for the lesson.
• Students will be place into groups of two
• The teacher will outline the obejctives of the lesson
• The teacher will place on the board critically questions students should ask themselves and each other while fulfilling the objectives of the lesson.
• The teacher will walk around the class to ask sudents questions and observe their interactions.
• Each group will present their findings to the class.

Introduction to Data Communication and Networks

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sadai Walker
  • Number of views: 9605
Introduction to Data Communication and Networks
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Types of Networks
Description: The teacher will use the fish bowl technique to impact aspects of the lesson. The teacher will state the topic to the class. She will then explain the fish bowl technique and how it will be used in the lesson. The purpose of this technique will be explained. The objectives of the lesson will also be projected so students will have a guideline to follow during the on-going discussions. The teacher will interject when necessary to clarify any point raised by students. Teacher will also make use of images and audio relating to the topic.