Module II: Trade and Environment- Law and Policy

Objective: To examine structures of international trade law and international environmental law

Overview: This module outlines the key institutions and frameworks of international trade law and environmental law. It describes the general principles and institutions that govern these bodies of law and policy, and provides an overview of their intersection.  In particular, this module reviews environmental concerns addressed in a trade law context, by analyzing WTO agreements and decisions, as well as approaches to environment and sustainable development in regional and bilateral trade agreements. In addition, this module examines structures of environmental law such as Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), including those with trade measures. Case law will be used as appropriate to illustrate the interactions among these agreements.

Lecturers: Marcos A. Orellana (Day 1) , David Hunter (Day 2)

Topics covered in this module include

  • Introduction to trade law

  • Introduction to environmental law

  • Structures of trade law

            o WTO

                -  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT): most favored nation, national treatment,
             quantitative restrictions and exceptions (GATT articles I,  III, XI and XX)

               -  Other WTO Agreements and decisions that address environmental concerns

           o Regional and Bilateral Trade Agreements (RTAs)

               - Overview of environmental dimension

               - Environmental provisions in trade agreements

           o Domestic institutions

  • Structures of environmental law

           o  Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

               -  Interaction with trade agreements

           o Environmental Cooperation Agreements 

           o Levels of environmental protection, enforcement and compliance 

           o Domestic institutions

Required Readings:

Suggested Readings:

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