The Sound Management of Chemicals

The use of chemical products can be an essential part of social and economic development, but it can also undermine development if people and the environment are exposed to harmful chemicals. Both urban and rural areas may be at risk due to the use of chemicals, but rural communities are generally at a greater risk than their urban counterparts. The socioeconomic costs and consequences arising from the use of toxic chemical products and the fact that poor communities often bear the brunt of these costs must be taken into consideration in the context of the management of chemicals. In this light, management policy for chemical products must seek to attain a balance between the production and the use of chemical products such that social and economic development is promoted and the detrimental effects of chemicals are diminished.

To respond to trade-related capacity building needs in the area of environmental management,  a project titled “Supporting Trade-related Capacity Building in Environmental Management” was conducted by the Department of Sustainable Development (OAS/DSD) of the Organization of American States. The project, based on a thorough analysis and consultation process, aimed to address priorities and challenges of OAS Member States (Western Hemisphere) on trade-related capacities in environmental management for the Sound Management of Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS). The project was executed with the participation of relevant regional and multilateral organizations and in consultation with civil society. More...


  • Trade of Toxic Chemicals: An Overview of Central America and MERCOSUR initiatives. Vol I | Vol II | Presentation
  • Background on the management of obsolete pesticide stockpiles in the Caribbean.
  • Database on Persistent Toxic Substances for Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Mainstreaming of Gender Issues in the sound management of chemicals.

 Sites of Interest