Module VI: Post-Negotiation Issues

Objective: To provide guidance to participants on the implementation and execution of international trade agreements.

Overview: This module focuses on issues that arise after negotiations have been concluded, but that must be considered by negotiators, such as implementation and execution of provisions and monitoring compliance. In particular, this module will include a panel in order to provide different perspectives in ensuring that environmental commitments in a trade context are implemented and executed.

Lecturer: Oscar Ceville

Panelists: Laura Devries Buffo, Alejandra Goyenechea, Joseph O'Donnell, Rob Wing

Topics covered in this module include:

  • Implementing treaties and agreements

o Institutional changes

o Challenges and opportunities

  • Administrative matters related to environmental commitments

o Access to information and publication of commitments and obligations

  • Role of different stakeholders

  • Facilitating compliance

o Role of complementary capacity building agenda

o Monitoring performance

Required Readings:

Suggested Readings:

Previous Module
