Archive - Suspension of Guarantees
















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Recent Suspensions of Guarantees regarding Multilateral Treaties (2014)

Archive 2014

On December 12, 2014, the General Secretariat received a notes verbales on the suspension of guaranties from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala to the OAS, in accordance with article 27, paragraph 3 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Note M12 OEA-VF, 767-2014.

On November 7, 2014, the General Secretariat received two notes verbales on the suspension of guaranties from the Permanent Mission of Peru to the OAS, in accordance with article 27, paragraph 3 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Notes No.7-5M/357 and No.7-5M/359.

On September 19, 2014, the General Secretariat received a note verbale on the suspension of guaranties from the Permanent Mission of Peru to the OAS, in accordance with article 27, paragraph 3 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Note No.7-5M/323.

On August 8, 2014, the General Secretariat received two notes verbales on the suspension of guaranties from the Permanent Mission of Peru to the OAS, in accordance with article 27, paragraph 3 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Notes No.7-5M/271 and No.7-5M/273.

On June 18, 2014, the General Secretariat received two notes verbales on the suspension of guaranties from the Permanent Mission of Peru to the OAS, in accordance with article 27, paragraph 3 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Notes No.7-5M/198 and No.7-5M/200.

On January 28, 2014, the General Secretariat received two notes verbales on the suspension of guaranties from the Permanent Mission of Peru to the OAS, in accordance with article 27, paragraph 3 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Notes No.7-5M/029 and No.7-5M/031.