Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

Equity Promotion Section

The eradication of poverty and inequality are the most urgent challenges that are faced throughout the Hemisphere faces, and require immediate attention. Almost 43 % of the population, 222 millions of people, live under poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean. And two of every five children live in extreme poverty. Even though it is not the poorest region in the world, it has the most unequal distribution of income of the world. The OAS has a crucial role to play in responding to these challenges though its multilateral efforts and within the framework of partnership for development.

On 2012, the OAS approved the Social Charter of the Americas and on 2015 its Plan of Action. This instrument includes the principles of social development and establishes specific goals and objectives that strengthen the other existing instruments on democracy, integral development and fight against poverty, according with the resolutions AG/RES 2056(XXXIV-O/04) y AG/RES. 2154 (XXXV-O/05) of the General Assembly state.

The Department of Social Inclusion supports member States on their multilateral efforts addressing these challenges and on the fulfillment of the mandates received by the relevant political forums, specially those refereeing to the promotion and strengthening of horizontal cooperation.