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Médecins Sans Frontières

  • 1 March 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 3607

La Violence Sexuelle et Basée sur le Genre (VSBG) est un phénomène de préoccupant expansion en Haïti. Avec l’information disponible, 28% des femmes entre 15 et 49 ans ont été victimes de violence sexuelle à un moment de sa vie. La VSBG, bien qui est plus commun en femmes et filles, est aussi présente en garçons et jeunes hommes. Entre 2015 et 2017, 33 hommes sont arrivés à centres de Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), dont 70% étaient des mineurs. En plus, la majorité de cas qui sont reçus dans l’hôpital de MSF sont des filles d’environ 10 ans qui en certains occasions ne sachent pas qu’elles ont été victimes de VSBG. La stigmatisation, le pauvre accès à l’éducation et la peur sont des conditions qui mènent aux victimes à ne pas dénoncer ces actes de violence, en contribuant à une perpétuation de l’impunité. MSF, en partenariat avec la société civile haïtienne, a créé la clinique Pran Men’m (créole haïtien pour « prends ma main ») avec l’objectif d’offrir de l’assistance médical et psychologique aux victimes de VSBG.

Avoiding the Perfect Storm: Criminal Economies, Spoilers, and the Post-Conflict Phase in Colombia

Juan Carlos Garzón-Vergara

  • 21 February 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1534
Avoiding the Perfect Storm: Criminal Economies, Spoilers, and the Post-Conflict Phase in Colombia

The possibility of ending the armed conflict in Colombia will depend, to a large extent, on the state’s ability to prevent multiple criminal economies, and inhibit the actors who participate in them from damaging the implementation of the final peace agreements. This article analyzes criminal economies’ ability to destabilize and thereby damage the post-conflict phase, and identifies dilemmas the state must confront in responding to this situation. The article’s objective is to provide an analytical model to understand the complex relationship between actors involved in the peace process and criminal economies, and to thereby identify risks and possible models for intervention. The theoretical referent of this work is the discussion about peacebuilding in fragile states and literature that identifies organized crime as a spoiler. This is the first attempt to apply this perspective to Colombia, and to take the particular characteristics of the country into account while making comparisons with other countries that exhibit similar features in their own post-conflict and transitional phases. The article comes to the conclusion that in Colombia it is necessary to consider Interim Stabilization Measures, which allow the state to provide an effective response that takes advantage of
available resources without losing sight of the need to strengthen local institutions in the mid-term.

O que dizem as Crianças?

O que dizem as Crianças?

Uma consulta sobre violência a partir da percepção de crianças e adolescentes. O Índice de Segurança da Criança (ISC) é um aplicativo de pesquisa desenvolvido em 2013 pelo Instituto Igarapé com o objetivo de mapear a percepção de violência de crianças e adolescentes que vivem em áreas conflagradas e de baixa renda. 

Belize Crime Observatory

  • 16 December 2016
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 7459
Belize Crime Observatory

The Belize Crime Observatory is an initiative that started in 2010 by the then Ministry of Police and Public Safety. This initiative continued under the Ministry of National Security and after a series of studies, meetings and partnership engagements, this initiative became a reality. This observatory on crime and violence, would take on the key functions of analyzing data provided by the police and other sources, applying this analysis to policy and program development, implementation, and monitoring. The observatory would also serve as a single unit that integrates technical knowledge about crime and violence issues, data management (conceptual and technological), policy requirements (national and international), and networking with other observatories and data systems (e.g. UNODC, OBSICA). In addition to making crime data available in an organized, regular manner, a key function of the observatory would be to disseminate analysis of this data. It would serve as a single point of contact for all requests on crime data – whether from Belizean stakeholders, other Government of Belize Ministries, project reporting requests, international data tracking, etc. These requests were handled in a case-by-case manner, which caused some delays and duplication.

OAS work in Trafficking in Persons

  • 25 November 2016
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 7021
OAS work in Trafficking in Persons

OAS Resolutions, Recommendations, Work Plans, and Documents against Trafficking in Persons