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Lineamientos Regionales para la Prevención de la Violência de Género cometida con el Uso de Armas de FUego en las Américas

  • 14 January 2025
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 26
Lineamientos Regionales para la Prevención de la Violência de Género cometida con el Uso de Armas de FUego en las Américas

Documento desarrollado en el marco del Programa OASIS-PACAM y aprobado en la Segunda Reunión Preparatoria celebrada el 13 de mayo de 2024 del Comité Consultivo de la Convención Interamericana contra la Fabricación y el Tráfico Ilícitos de Armas de Fuego, Municiones, Explosivos, y otros Materiales Relacionados (CIFTA).

Regional Guidelines for the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence Committed with the Use of Firearms in the Americas

  • 26 November 2024
  • Posted by: Mariano Vales
  • Number of views: 133
Regional Guidelines for the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence Committed with the Use of Firearms in the Americas

The Regional Guidelines for the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence Committed with the Use of Firearms offer a series of recommendations for the OAS Members States to prevent gender-based violence with the use of firearms, based on the review of existing literature at the global, inter-American and/or subregional levels developed in recent years, and interviews with key actors.

The Guidelines were approved by the Consultative Committee of the Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA), at their twenty fourth regular meeting, on May 23, 2024.

Hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity: an overview of global trends and prevention modalities

Executive summary by the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime about hate crimes that targets individuals based on their actual or perceived race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, origin, social status and political affiliation

  • 6 April 2021
  • Posted by: Anna Uchoa
  • Number of views: 3361
Hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity: an overview of global trends and prevention modalities

HATE CRIME: an evolving concept

This report aims to bridge this significant gap in existing research: what is actually known about hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity? Empirical research on this type of crime is limited, mostly due to the lack of statistical data from criminal justice systems, which limits understanding of the phenomenon. The hurdles encountered when reporting hate crimes, such as the lack of community trust in justice systems or the prejudices held by official authorities, represent major obstacles to establishing a comprehensive overview of the violence and discrimination experienced by sexual and gender minority communities. This lack of recognition demonstrates the importance of anchoring the report in the realities experienced by LGBTQ+ people. Initial research revealed that hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people were not sufficiently documented in order to conduct an adequate literature review. As a result, the focus shifted from all forms of hate crimes to two specific types of victimization: those based on gender identity and on sexual orientation

Guía para la operacionalización de los indicadores del Protocolo de San Salvador desde una perspectiva transversal LGBTI

Guía para facilitar el acceso de las personas LGBTI en las Américas a sus derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales

  • 12 February 2020
  • Posted by: Anna Uchoa
  • Number of views: 1959
Guía para la operacionalización de los indicadores del Protocolo de San Salvador desde una perspectiva transversal LGBTI

OEA lanza una guía para facilitar el acceso de las personas LGBTI en las Américas a sus derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales

La Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) y el Grupo de Trabajo del Protocolo de San Salvador (GTPSS) lanzaron hoy la “Guía para la operacionalización de los indicadores del Protocolo de San Salvador desde una perspectiva transversal LGBTI”. Esta Guía facilitará el acceso a los Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales (DESCA) para las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, trans e intersexuales (LGBTI).

La Guía es la primera de una serie de informes temáticos llamados "Midiendo todas las brechas" que busca esclarecer el estado de los Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales (conocidos como DESCA) de varios grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad, como lo son las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, trans e intersexuales, quienes sufren exclusión y discriminación en todo el mundo y requieren medidas específicas para garantizar su acceso y el disfrute de los derechos señalados.