
About Us



AROAS, the Association of Retirees of the Organization of American States (OAS), exists to represent and protect its members' interests and to foster those of retirees in general.  Its creation in 1979 responded to an expressed need for a central mechanism and a collective voice to: 

  • Identify, influence and communicate policies and decisions of the OAS General Secretariat affecting members' general welfare
  • Facilitate members' interaction
  • Promote and defend members' interests
  • Provide its members with organic and representational links to the OAS, the OAS Staff Association, specialized agencies of the Inter-American System, the OAS Staff Federal Credit Union and retiree associations of other international organizations
  • Communicate and cooperate with other relevant institutions, principally those of international organizations' retiree associations. 



To achieve its goals:

AROAS-recommended representatives, appointed by the OAS Secretary General, participate in the OAS General Secretariat's Commission of Medical Benefits Trust Fund, and in its Joint Advisory Committee on Insurance Matters.  These committees set policy and practice related to the Organization's health insurance program.

AROAS organizes and conducts social and cultural activities facilitating members' interaction.

AROAS administers an Emergency Fund, with voluntary contributions from its members, to cover members' immediate, short-term financial crises.

AROAS communicates with its membership via a Bulletin, AROAS Informa, containing items of interest to members, and dispatches e-mail communications on items of immediate concern.

AROAS has established and operates a Web page with information and links to OAS activities and programs as well as to outside bodies of interest to members.

Membership in AROAS is open to former staff of the OAS General Secretariat and of specialized Inter-American entities and organizations formally connected to the OAS.  Eligible former staff include: those who have retired voluntarily or because of age, illness,  elimination of a position or termination of a contract after five years of service; personnel of non-retirement age who have left after five or more years of continuous service.  Surviving spouses of deceased AROAS members are also eligible to join AROAS.

AROAS functions exclusively with volunteers--members who may serve on its Board of Directors, as AROAS-recommended representatives to select OAS General Secretariat Joint Committees and/or in the AROAS office.



Membership Application
