Lesson Plans - Details


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: CECILIA UBE
  • Number of views: 9942
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Foreign languages
Description: 1. Know and understand the question “what time is it?”
2. Say the time.
3. Know the time for (breakfast, lunch, dinner, go bed, go school).
4. Know the bithday’s date.
5. Know the Word “when”.
6. Know the months of the year.
7. Spell simple words about birthday’s party.
8. Know phonics (short u, long u)

Consumer Affairs

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Walker Charmalyn
  • Number of views: 8621
Consumer Affairs
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Consumer Exploitation: Advertisements
Description: Step 1: Students will play four pic, one word to guess the lesson topic. After which objectives and key terms will be discussed.
Step 2 : The students will watch two videos on types of ads and asked to explain the purpose of advertisements and avenues to reach target audiences.
Step 3: Students will be engaged in discussion using the fish bowl technique where students will be allowed to ask questions and produce solutions among their peers.
Step 4: Questions and solutions recorded by students


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Anna Kay Johnson
  • Number of views: 14076
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Introduction to Communication
Description: The students will be questioned to come up with a definition for the term communication. They will be asked what does it mean to communicate? How many parties are needed to have a conversation? These responses will be written on the board. The students will be ask to read the responses on the board. The teacher will then make clarifications and then allow the students to write the most suitable response.

Two students will then be asked to come to the front of the class in which one of them will write a short note to the other student. The teacher will use this to question students in order for them to identify the five (5) elements of the communication channel. The teacher will record the responses on the board. The teacher will probe students in order to get the appropriate answers. The students will then be asked to record the responses in their books. They will be given 5 minutes to do so.

Five students will then be given strips of paper in order to come to the board to identify each part.
Whenever the student have identify the correct parts, the class will be asked to read the answers
given in order to make corrections. The teacher will help the students to make corrections where

The teacher will then show the students a powerpoint presentation in which they will be asked to
identify the different communication channels. The teacher will make clarifications and ask
questions to help students with the understanding of the content at hand. The students will then
be asked to record the appropriate information from the slide shown. They will be given 10
minutes in order to do so.

The lesson will be summarized with an interactive game on communication. The students will be
provided with a list of numbers and one by one students will be asked to come and choose a
number of their choice. The number will represent a question in which the students will be asked
to answer. The teacher will supervise the activity to ensure that the students are carrying out the
game effectively and clear up any misconceptions that the students may have.

For students to be able to understand and appreciate the work of others while giving credit as well as obeying the laws that govern fair use and copy right

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shanee Peters-Henry
  • Number of views: 7576
For students to be able to understand and appreciate the work of others while giving credit as well as obeying the laws that govern fair use and copy right
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Copy Right and Fair Use
Description: 1. Engagement: Students will be asked to watch a YouTube video entitled copyright and fair use animation after which they will be asked to define the terms “Copyright” and “Fair Use”.
2. Exploration: Students will be asked to create a semantic map outlining the fair use another person’s work and how to avoid plagiarism; students will be selected randomly to share with the class after which there will be a class discussion.
3. Explanation: Students will be asked to view a PowerPoint presentation on copyright right and fair use law after which they will explain what they understand base on what they have read, the teacher will clear up any misconception.
4. Elaboration: Student will be engaged in game where they will be asked to look under their seat for words that falls in the category of copyright and fair use; they will use these words to write complete sentences, students will be awarded for completing the task.
5. Evaluation: Students will be given a short answer activity where they will explain in their own words what copyright and fair use is without looking back at the notes that was given. They will be asked to share their answers with the rest of the class.

Ecuadorian Ethnic groups

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jorge Hamilton Leal Cevallos
  • Number of views: 8541
Ecuadorian Ethnic groups
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Ecuadorian Ethnic groups
Description: In order to create a learning environment, an icebreaker activity is developed. In order to activate students previous knowledge a map of Ecuador is showed to them. After that, the teachers introduces the topic and the content objective to the pupils. Next, the teacher explains the students what they will do after the class.
Markers and vocabulary quilts are provided to the students. After that the teacher asks students that, focused in the topic to draw/write their own ideas, background knowledge about the new topic. The teacher emphasizes students that at this stage of the class there are not right or wrong answers in order to promote the whole class participation. After that, the teacher asks students to share their information, ideas and opinions with the small group and the rest of the class. For the second stage of the lesson which is the part where the content is provided to students by the teacher. The educator presents students specific information about the topic while students watch and listens the data about the topic they could made connections with their previous knowledge. Next the teacher provides students sticky notes to add more words in the vocabulary quilt and at the same time that learners have opportunity to reflect about the new input. The intentionality of this action was based in the premise that at this moment students get a better understanding and had the opportunity to compare other’s understanding.
For the affirmation phase, formative assessment is used. The teacher asks questions about the topic so he could figures out if the students get the new information. The teacher confirm the knowledge or reinforced it with the use of different techniques like revoice, rephrase, modeling and asking for the participation from other members of the community of learners.