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Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  4/14/2017 
Information available in Spanish
Paragraphs: - Paragraphs VII Summit: 1

Date:  6/8/2016 
The governments of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala have started the implementation of the Plan of the Alliance for the Prosperity of the Northern Triangle launched in 2014, to respond to those structural issues that sustain the irregular and undocumented migration towards the USA. The Plan focuses on 4 pillars: (i) Human Capital Development; (ii) Fostering the Productive Sector; (iii) Improving Citizen Security and Access to Justice; and (iv) Institutional Strengthening and Greater Transparency. The governments of the countries of the Northern Triangle have committed approximately US$2.5 billion for high priority projects and the US Government has recently approved US$750 million for Central America that will also support the Plan.

The IDB has been a strong supporter of this regional effort and has mobilized resources to support the design of specific projects. Furthermore, the IDB has provided a dedicated team of specialists that constitute the Technical Secretariat of the Plan of the Alliance. The Technical Secretariat is in charge of providing technical assistance for the prioritization of high-impact projects and has promoted dialogue amongst the Northern Triangle countries, donor countries and other stakeholders to address such issues as training security forces and fighting organized crime.
Paragraphs: - Paragraphs VII Summit: -

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