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Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  12/8/2017 
The core activities in international migration, human rights and development have been strongly related to monitoring the “Consenso de Montevideo” and the “Segunda Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo” (Mexico, October 2015). For example, the report: “Nuevas tendencias y dinámicas migratorias en América Latina y el Caribe”, describes the recent migratory dynamics of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Among other activities, ECLAC continued processing 2010 census information corresponding to ten countries to update the data base of the research on International Migration in Latin America (IMILA). The publications in this field include “Oportunidades e incertidumbre a la luz del Segundo Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre Migración Internacional y Desarrollo”, in the journal “Coyuntura Demográfica”.

At the end of August 2017, ECLAC and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) co-organized the preparatory meeting for the Global Compact for Secure, Orderly and Regular Migration. This meeting generated a debate from a regional perspective on the human rights of migrants, the response to the factors that drive migration, international cooperation and governance, irregular migration and trafficking in persons, and the contributions of migrants to sustainable development and decent work.
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Date:  4/11/2017 
In terms of migration, ECLAC prepared the document “Nuevas tendencias y dinámicas migratorias en América Latina y el Caribe”, in which the recent dynamic of migration in Latin America and the Caribbean countries is described. Mainly based on census information and other resources special attention is given to the changes in intraregional migration between the census of 2000 and 2010.
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Date:  6/8/2016 
ECLAC activities on international migration, human rights, and development have been strongly related with the tracking of the Montevideo Consensus and the Second Regional Conference on Population and Development (México, October 2015). In particular, ECLAC elaborated the chapter that deals with the priority action “International migration and the human right protection for all migrants” in the Operational Guide included on the Second Conference. The process of the Operational Guide draws on results of the research done over migration patterns, national policies and regulations agendas, the examination of indigenous, teenagers and children mobility, the future agendas of cooperation, provision of training and technical assistance to countries in the region, support for intergovernmental meetings, conferences and seminars, and technical cooperation with civil society and academic and labor institutions. ECLAC also continued to provide a regional perspective in monitoring the Second High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development of 2013 and concluded a regional research within the framework of an agreement with the International Organization for Migration.

Among other activities, ECLAC continued to process Census information for the 2010 decade for ten countries , particularly special tabulations in order to update the database of the research project of International Migration in Latin America (IMILA). Among the publications in this field stands Oportunidades e incertidumbre a la luz del Segundo Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre Migración Internacional y Desarrollo in Demographic Situation. In the editing stage is a paper on human rights (edited by the University of Guadalajara) and another on trends in regional international migration (by the National Autonomous University of Mexico). It is expected for early April 2016 the publication of the study that resulted from the agreement with IOM: New trends and dynamics of migration in Latin America and the Caribbean (Population and Development Series, 114).
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