Derniers événements et cérémonies

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« mars 2007 »

The Deputy Mayor of Shanghai, Yang Xiong, meets with OAS Secretary General José MIguel Insulza to update him on plans for the World Expo 2010, which will take place in that Chinese city

Date: 30 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with representatives of the National Endowment for Democracy to exchange ideas and strategies related to the promotion of democracy in the Americas

Date: 30 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza receives a courtesy visit from Egypt's Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Americas, Hatem Seif El-Nasr

Date: 30 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and Colombia's National Civil Registrar, Juan Carlos Galindo Vacha, talk about plans for the OAS to observe that country's October 28 municipal elections

Date: 30 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza, meets with Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) to discuss a number of issues of interest to the hemisphere.

Date: 30 mars 2007
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights presents its 2006 annual report to the OAS Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs.

Date: 29 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza presents an overview of the history and current role of the Organization of American States, in a lecture at the National War College in Washington

Date: 29 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert R. Ramdin meets with representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Date: 29 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights presents its 2006 annual report to the OAS Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs.

Date: 29 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
At the OAS, the Summit Implementation Review Group examines the progress made in the region since the Fourth Summit of the Americas and looks toward the Fifth Summit, in 2009.

Date: 29 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza welcomes women leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean, at the close of a daylong seminar on "Women in the Américas: Paths to Political Power

Date: 28 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with members of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Date: 28 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza participates in the commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the Inter-American Defense Board

Date: 28 mars 2007
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Paricia Leiva
The OAS Permanent Council convenes a special meeting to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Date: 28 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Visit by Norwegian Delegation

Date: 28 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa meets with OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and Assistant Secretary General Albert R. Ramdin.

Date: 27 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza receives a visit from representatives of the Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL).

Date: 27 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
The Director General of the Americas in Turkey's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vefahan Ocak, meets with OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert R. Ramdin at OAS headquarters.

Date: 27 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the President of Peru's National Electoral Board, Javier Enrique Mendoza.

Date: 26 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with Coronel Daniel Morales, who heads the Chilean detachment of uniformed police assigned to the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH).

Date: 26 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, María Fernanda Espinosa, at OAS headquarters.

Date: 23 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza receives a courtesy visit from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Elmar Maharram Mammadyarov, whose country has been an OAS permanent observer since 2001.

Date: 22 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The OAS Permanent Council considers a report on the situation in Haiti, among other matters

Date: 21 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
Communiqués de presse | Vidéo
Colombia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fernando Araújo, addresses the OAS Permanent Council during a special session convened in his honor.

Date: 21 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Communiqués de presse | Discours | Vidéo
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with Colombian Foreign Minister Fernando Araújo at OAS headquarters.

Date: 21 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Communiqués de presse | Discours | Vidéo
Visit by OAS Secretary General to Guatemala

Date: 20 mars 2007
Lieu: Guatemala
Photos: Patricia Esquenazi OEA/OAS y Presidencia de Guatemala
Under a new agreement, the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will work together to support anti-corruption efforts in the hemisphere.

Date: 18 mars 2007
Lieu: Ciudad de Guatemala
Photos: Patricia Esquenazi
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza participated in the Regional Summit on Drugs, Security and Cooperation, which took place March 16 in the Dominican Republic.

Date: 16 mars 2007
Lieu: Dominican Republic
Photos: Cancillería de la Repúbica Dominicana
At the OAS, the Committee on Hemispheric Security examines issues related to nuclear nonproliferation.

Date: 15 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera- Patricia Leiva
Uruguayan pianist Laura Díaz Miles offers a concert at OAS headquarters, at the invitation of the Permanent Council Chair, Uruguayan Ambassador María del Luján Flores, and OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza

Date: 14 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
Panama's Vice President and Foreign Minister, Samuel Lewis Navarro, addresses the OAS Permanent Council.

Date: 14 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Discours | Vidéo
The Director of the Pan American Health Organization, Mirta Roses Periago, presented the regional body's annual report during a regular meeting of the OAS Permanent Council.

Date: 14 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Panama's Vice President and Foreign Minister, Samuel Lewis Navarro, meets at OAS headquarters with Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and Assistant Secretary General Albert R. Ramdin.

Date: 14 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
At the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza participates in a breakfast meeting convened to discuss strategies to prevent violence in the region.

Date: 14 mars 2007
Lieu: PAHO - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
At OAS headquarters, the Chilean musical group Inti Illimani pay a visit to Secretary General José Miguel Insulza

Date: 13 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
Suriname's new Ambassador to the OAS, Jacques Ruben Constantijn Kross, presents his credentials to Secretary General José Miguel Insulza.

Date: 13 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
A seminar at the OAS focuses on "Addressing Extreme Poverty, Inequality, and Social Exclusion as a Means of Strengthening Hemispheric Security."

Date: 12 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights gives a press conference at the close of its latest sessions.

Date: 9 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Communiqués de presse | Vidéo
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

Date: 9 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The OAS Permanent Council holds a special meeting to discuss "Children, Identity and Citizenship in the Americas."

Date: 9 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The Second Annual Meeting on Human Rights, sponsored by American University, the Organization of American States and other entities, gets underway at OAS headquarters

Date: 8 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza receives a courtesy visit from the recently appointed Director of the Inter-American Children's Institute, María de los Dolores Aguilar Marmolejo.

Date: 8 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets on Capitol Hill with Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI), Chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade, in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Date: 8 mars 2007
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
At the OAS, experts from government and civil society discuss national and regional strategies to mitigate the threats associated with missiles known as Man Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS).

Date: 8 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The OAS hosts a roundtable discussion on "International Law: The U.S. Perspective

Date: 7 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights presents a report on women's access to justice.

Date: 7 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with representatives of the International Coalition of Organizations for Human Rights in the Americas.

Date: 7 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with Judge Sergio García Ramírez, President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Date: 7 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Regular meeting of the OAS Permanent Council.

Date: 7 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Attorney General of Paraguay, Nelson Mora.

Date: 7 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets on Capitol Hill with members of the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

Date: 7 mars 2007
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The OAS hosts a roundtable discussion on "International Law: The U.S. Perspective.

Date: 6 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza speaks to a group of U.S. diplomats at the Foreign Service Institute in Washington.

Date: 6 mars 2007
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
Secretary General José Miguel Insulza welcomes the Mayor of Washington, D.C., Adrian Fenty, to OAS headquarters.

Date: 6 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The Secretaries General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, and the Organization of American States, José Miguel Insulza, meet at UN headquarters in New York.

Date: 5 mars 2007
Lieu: ONU Nueva York.
Photos: ONU Nueva York.
President of Guyana welcomes OAS Secretary General

Date: 2 mars 2007
Lieu: Guyana
Photos: Government Information Agency of Guyana
Canadian Foreign Minister Peter Gordon MacKay, addresses special meeting of OAS Permanent Council

Date: 2 mars 2007
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Communiqués de presse | Discours | Vidéo
Grant Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the General Secretariat for the Organization of American States for Phase Two of the Electoral Observation and Assistance Project

Date: 2 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
Communiqués de presse | Discours | Vidéo
Closed meeting between Canadian Foreign Minister Peter MacKay and OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin

Date: 2 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Communiqués de presse | Discours | Vidéo
Canadian Foreign Minister Peter Gordon MacKay visits the OAS

Date: 2 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Communiqués de presse | Discours | Vidéo
127th Period of Sessions of the Inter-American Commission on Human rights (IACHR): Hearing on Global Warming.

Date: 1 mars 2007
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Communiqués de presse | Vidéo