Derniers événements et cérémonies

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« juillet 2002 »

The new Permanent Representative of Costa Rica, Ambassador Walter Niehaus, presented credentials to the Secretary General

Date: 31 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa
New Ambassador of Guatemala, Arturo Duarte, speaks in the Permanent Council

Date: 31 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Ambassador Valter Pecly Moreira deposited the Brazilian instruments of ratification with Secretary General César Gaviria

Date: 25 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa
Ceremony in which a floral offering to the feet of the monument to Bolivar was placed

Date: 25 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa
Visits of the President of the Dominican Republic, Ing. Hipólito Mejía

Date: 23 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa
The new Permanent Representative of Guatemala, Ambassador Arturo Duarte presented his credentials

Date: 23 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa
Ambassador of Argentina before the O.A.S., Rodolfo Gil, deposits the instrument of ratification of the Convention on Defense of the Archaeological, Historical and Artistic Patrimony of the American Nations

Date: 17 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega, chairs the Permanent Council

Date: 11 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa
U.S. Independence Celebrations spotlighted in OAS art exhibition

Date: 4 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Marco Andre Lima
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa
Ambassador Roger Noriega, the U.S. Permanent Representative, assumed the chairmanship of the OAS Permanent Council

Date: 1 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa
Bolivia deposited the instrument of ratification in the Agreement for the Creation of the Inter-American Institute for the Investigation and the Global Change

Date: 1 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Sweden signed the agreement for a donation to the Mission of Electoral Observation of the O.A.S. in Bolivia

Date: 1 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
El Salvador subscribed the Inter-American Convention of Mutual Judicial Attendance in Penal Matter

Date: 1 juillet 2002
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA