Themes Concluded (1998-2024)

Legal regime for the creation, operation, financing, and dissolution of non-profit civil entities

In March 2024, the Inter-American Juridical Committee made amendments to the Declaration adopted in 2023 to reflect the recommendations presented by some States. The final version of the Declaration of Inter-American Principles on the Legal Regime for the Creation, Operation, Financing and Dissolution of Civil Non-Profit Entities, document CJI/RES. 282 (CII-O/23) rev.3.

The Declaration is intended to facilitate the operation of such entities throughout their life cycle, based on international and national standards and best practices, including appropriate law in OAS member states. The CJI document systematizes, updates, and consolidates the standards developed in the region based on an exhaustive study that is reflected in the comments on each principle.

In the development of this issue, the Inter-American Juridical Committee discussed the following documents over the years that serve as background information:

  • 2024
    CJI/RES. 282 (CII-O/23) rev.3. Declaration of Inter-American Principles on the Legal Regime for the Creation, Operation, Financing and Dissolution of Civil Non-Profit Entities (document of the Inter-American Juridical Committee).

  • 2023
    CJI/RES. 282 (CII-O/23) corr.1. Declaration of Inter-American Principles on the Legal Regime for the Creation, Operation, Financing and Dissolution of Civil Non-Profit Entities (document of the Inter-American Juridical Committee).

  • 2022
    CJI/doc. 672/22. Second progress report: legal framework for the creation, operation, financing, and dissolution of nonprofit civil in the member states of the Organization of American States (report presented by Dr. Ramiro Gastón Orias Arredondo)
    CJI/doc.661/22. First progress report: legal framework for the creation, operation, financing, and dissolution of nonprofit civil entities in the member states of the Organization of American States (report presented by Dr. Ramiro Gastón Orias Arredondo).