
Current Agenda

Recommendations for the adoption of domestic legislation on the regulation of fireworks and pyrotechnic articles in the Americas

On August, 2021, the Committee adopted the Recommendations of the Inter-American Juridical Committee for the approval of domestic legislation on the regulation of fireworks and pyrotechnic articles in the Americas, document CJI/doc.646/21 rev. 3, in accordance with a General Assembly mandate dating from 2019.

As the title suggests, this document contains recommendations that propose a guiding principle of non-regression in relation its implementation, extending their scope of application to a broad spectrum that includes manufacture, storage, transportation, purchase, sale, use or handling, import, and export.
In addressing this topic, the Inter-American Juridical Committee has examined the following background matter over the years:

  • 2021
    CJI/doc. 646/21 rev.3 Recommendations for the approval of domestic legislation on the regulation of fireworks and pyrotechnic articles in the Americas.
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