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Special Meeting on Topics of Current Interest in International Humanitarian Law (CAJP, 2021)
Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021.
Seventh Course on International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021 (2:30pm to 5:30 p.m., Washington D.C. time zone).
Comisión de Aplicación del Derecho Internacional Humanitario (CADIH)
c/o Ministerio de Defensa
Azopardo 250, Piso 13°
1328 Buenos Aires
Tel. +5411 43468877
Date of establishment
Established: 1994
Legal basis: Executive Decree No. 933/94 of 16 June 1994
Operation: internal regulations
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Defense, Interior, and Justice
Chairmanship: rotating among the participating ministries
Secretariat: Ministry of Defense
Mandate and activities
To ensure implementation of international humanitarian law by drawing up
laws, regulations and other texts designed to ensure respect for
international commitments in this area; to teach and disseminate
international humanitarian law among the military and civilians.
Comisión Nacional Permanente para la aplicación del Derecho
Internacional Humanitario (CNPADIH)
c/o Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto
Plaza Murillo, Ingavi esqu. Junín
La Paz
Date of establishment
Legal basis: Decree No. 23.345 of 2 December 1992; reorganized pursuant
to Resolution No.218.456 of 17 August 1998 issued by the President of
the Republic and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, which came
into force on 30 October1998
Operation: internal regulations
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Justice, Defense, Interior,
Sustainable Development and Planning, Supreme Court, National Congress,
Bolivian Red Cross, and academic circles
Chairmanship and secretariat: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To monitor the dissemination and implementation of international humanitarian law;
to examine internal regulations and any amendments required for the incorporation of provisions of humanitarian law into national legislation, and to propose their approval by the executive and legislative authorities.
Canadian National Committee for Humanitarian Law
c/o Canadian Red Cross Society
170 Metcalfe St., Suite 300
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 2P2
Date of establishment
Established: 1998
Legal basis: Memorandum of understanding of 18 March 1998
Operation: according to terms of reference of 18 March 1998
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Defense, Justice, Solicitor-General
(represented by Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Red Cross
Society), and Canadian International Development Agency
Chairmanship: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Secretariat: Canadian Red Cross Society
Mandate and activities
To recommend ratification of instruments of international humanitarian
to facilitate the implementation of obligations arising from this body
of law, in particular by reviewing and advising on national legislation
and administrative measures (repression of violations of humanitarian
law, protection of the emblems, guarantees for protected persons);
to advise on disseminating and training in international humanitarian
law in Canada (aimed at the armed forces, police, civil servants,
humanitarian organizations, legal and medical professions, schools and
universities, journalists and the public at large);
to coordinate and stimulate activities of the government and other
organizations to strengthen and disseminate humanitarian law;
to recommend the adoption of measures to promote national implementation
in other States drawing on the resources and expertise available in
to maintain a pool of personnel with expertise in humanitarian law and
ensure links with other national committees and the ICRC.
Comisión Nacional de Derecho Humanitario (CNDH)
c/o Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección Jurídica
Catedral 1158
3° Piso, Oficina 339
Tel. +562-6794237/8
Fax +562-699-5517
Date of establishment
Established: 1994
Legal basis: Decree No. 1229 of 31 August 1994
Operation: internal regulations of 1 June 1995
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Defense, Interior, Education, Health,
Justice, and Culture
Chairmanship and secretariat: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To review and propose to the authorities legislative and administrative
measures ensuring the practical implementation of international
humanitarian law.
Comisión Intersectorial Permanente para los Derechos Humanos y el
Derecho Internacional Humanitario
c/o Vicepresidencia de la República
Carrera 8 No. 7-27
Tel. +5714442120/2864126br>
Fax +571 2863589
Date of establishment
Established: 2000
Legal basis: Presidential Decree No. 321 of 25 February 2000
Operation: internal regulations
Composition and operation
Representatives: Interior, Foreign Affairs, Justice, Defense, Labor and
Social Security, and High Commissioner for Peace
Chairmanship: Vice-Presidency of the Republic
Mandate and activities
To orientate, encourage and coordinate the national plan of action
adopted in order to promote respect for human right and the application
of international humanitarian law;
to ensure the adoption of national measures and evaluate periodically
the progress made;
to consolidate institutional mechanisms for the protection of human
rights and international humanitarian law and encourage dissemination to
the public;
to promote the amendment of national measures to comply with
international treaties to which Colombia is a party and help carry out
international commitments;
to analyze the recommendations formulated by international bodies and
evaluate means of implementation at the national level;
to promote cooperation between the government and other organizations in
order to strengthen respect for human rights and international
humanitarian law.
Costa Rica
Comisión Costarricense de Derecho Internacional Humanitario
Comisión Costarricense de Derecho Internacional Humanitario Secretaría Ejecutiva
c/o Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Dirección Jurídica
Avenida 7, Calles 11 y 13
Casa Amarilla
San José, Costa Ricar
Tel: ++506 233 6625
++506 233 7555, ext. 243
Fax: ++506 233 6625
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of establishment
Established: 2004
Legal Basis: Executive Decree N° 32077-RE of May 21, 2004 of the
President of the Republic and the Minister of Foreign Relations and
Culture, published in the Official Gazette N° 216 of November 4, 2004.
Operation: Comisión Costarricense de Derecho Internacional Humanitario
(CCDIH),approved in Regular Session N° 2-05 at 10:45 on February 24,
Composition and operation
Representatives: A head representative and an alternate from the
following 16 institutions:
Ministry of Foreign Relations and Culture
Ministry of Public Education
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Public Security
Ministry of the Presidency
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports
Office of the Attorney General
Supreme Court of Justice (Judicial Branch)
Legislative Assembly (Legislative Branch)
Ombudsman (Defensoría de los Habitantes)
University of Costa Rica
National University
National Council of Rectors
Red Cross of Costa Rica
The Lawyers’ Bar Association of Costa Rica
Presidency: Carmen Claramunt Garro,
Ministry of Foreign Relations and Culture
Executive Secretariat: Eugenia María Gutiérrez Ruiz, Ministry of Foreign
Relations and Culture
Mandate and activities
To advise the Executive Branch on issues related to the adoption,
application and dissemination of International Humanitarian Law.
To propose recommendations to the Executive Branch on the measures that
should be taken to enforce international legal provisions that are in
force related to international humanitarian law.
To suggest to the Executive Branch draft laws and regulations that allow
Costa Rica to comply with its international obligations with respect to
International Humanitarian Law.
To promote and to support the dissemination of International
Humanitarian Law in state institutions and society in general, and to
take the corresponding steps towards this end.
To attend meetings, seminars and international conferences related to
International Humanitarian Law, subject to the approval of the Executive
To promote and collaborate with the country’s academic authorities in the
incorporation of International Humanitarian Law in study plans and the
corresponding curricula content.
To suggest and promote actions that contribute to the application of and
respect for International Humanitarian Law.
Dominican Republic
Comisión Nacional Permanente para la Aplicación del Derecho
Internacional Humanitario
c/o Secretaría de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores
Avenida Independencia 752
Santo Domingo
Tel. +1 809 535 6280
Fax +1 809 535 6848
Date of establishment
Established: 1995
Legal basis: Presidential Decree No.131-99 of 30 March 1999
Operation: internal regulations
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Armed Forces, Education, Culture,
Health, Labor, Sports and Leisure, Public Prosecutor's Office, national
police, legal office of the executive branch, and the Dominican Red
Chairmanship: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To recommend appropriate measures for better national implementation of
international humanitarian law;
to promote draft legislation and regulations for the application of
humanitarian law treaties;
to disseminate this body of law among State authorities;
to promote the inclusion of this body of law in official teaching
El Salvador
Comité Interinstitucional de Derecho Internacional Humanitario (CIDIH-ES)
c/o Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Edificio 3, 2da. Planta
Centro de Gobierno
San Salvador
Tel. +503 22 24 447
Date of establishment
Legal basis: Presidential Decree No. 118 of 4 November 1997
Operation: internal regulations
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Interior, Public Security, Justice,
Education, Defense, Health, Treasury, Public Prosecutor's Office,
Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights, and Salvadorian Red Cross
Chairmanship and secretariat: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To advise the government on measures to be adopted in order to implement, apply, and
disseminate international humanitarian law at the national level.
Comisión Guatemalteca para la Aplicación del Derecho Internacional
Humanitario (COGUADIH)
c/o Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
2 Avenida Reforma 4-47,
Zona 10
Cuidad Guatemala
Tel. +502 331-9610
Fax +502 331-7938
Date of establishment
Established: 1999
Legal basis: Government Agreement No. 948-99 of 28 December 1999
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Interior, Education, Defense, Health,
Presidential Commission for Human Rights(COPREDEH), Secretariat for
Peace, judiciary, Congress, Public Prosecutor's Office, Human Rights
Procurator, Bar Association, and Guatemalan Red Cross
Chairmanship and secretariat: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To recommend measures for adoption by the government to ensure
implementation of international humanitarian law;
in accordance with this aim, to submit draft legislation and regulations
to the President of the Republic for consideration;
to spread knowledge of international humanitarian law within State
institutions and among the general public;
to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Committee's willingness
to represent Guatemala at international for a dealing with this body of
to suggest other activities designed to promote respect for humanitarian
Ad-hoc inter ministerial committee created on the initiative of national Red Cross Society in 1996.
Date of establishment
Composition and operation
Mandate and activities
Foster the implementation of international humanitarian law.
Comisión Nacional para la Aplicación del Derecho Internacional
c/o Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Apartado postal No. 127
Tel. +505 266 6512
Fax +505 266 6512
Date of establishment
Established: 1999
Legal basis: Presidential Decree No. 54-99 of 23 April 1999
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Education, Health, Justice,
President's Office, commissions of the National Assembly, Supreme Court,
Nicaraguan Red Cross, and academic circles
Chairmanship: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To recommend measures for adoption by the government to ensure
implementation of international humanitarian law;
in accordance with this aim, to submit draft legislation and regulations
to the President of the Republic for consideration;
to spread knowledge of international humanitarian law within State
institutions and among the general public;
to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Committee's willingness
to represent Guatemala at international for a dealing with this body of
to suggest other activities designed to promote respect for humanitarian
Comisión Nacional Permanente para la Aplicación del Derecho
InternacionalHumanitario (CPDIH)
c/o Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Altos del Cerro Ancón
Edificio 95
Ciudad de Panamà
Tel. +507 211 4296
Fax +507 211 4296
Date of establishment
Legal basis: Executive Decree No. 154 of 25 August 1997, amended by
Executive Decree No.165 of 19 August 1999
Operation: Resolutions No. 001-98 and No. 001-00 (internal regulations)
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Justice, Interior, Education,
President's Office, Labor, Legislative Assembly, police, Civil defense,
academic circles, and Red Cross Society of Panama
Chairmanship and Secretariat: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To prepare a list of national legislation implementing international
humanitarian law, to make recommendations and propose draft laws to the
Executive to make effective the norms contained in that body of law;
to disseminate international humanitarian law in institutions of the
State and of the general public;
to cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in organizing meetings
with the ICRC;
to promote the incorporation of humanitarian law into university and
school programs and cooperate in the development of such programs;
to represent Panama in international conferences and meetings dealing
with topics relating to international humanitarian law.
Comisión Interministerial de Aplicación del Derecho Internacional
c/o Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
Edificio del Ministerio de Defensa
Mcal. López esquina Vicepres. Sánchez
Date of establishment
Established: 1995
Legal basis: Presidential Decree No. 8802 of 12 May 1995; reorganization
by Presidential Decree No. 15926 of 28 December 2001
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Defense, Interior, Justice and
Chairmanship and secretariat: Ministry of Defense
Mandate and activities
To consult with the public and private institutions concerned and make recommendations to the authorities on means of implementing, applying, and disseminating international humanitarian law..
Comisíon Nacional de Estudio y Aplicación del Derecho Internacional
Humanitario (CONADIH)
c/o Ministerio de Justicia
Scipión Llona 350
Fax +511 441 05 47
Date of establishment
Established: 2001
Legal basis: Resolution (Resolución Suprema) No. 234-2001-JUS of 1 June
Operation: Ministerial Resolution No. 240-2001-JUS of 23 July 2001
(regulations of procedure and operation)
Composition and operation
Representatives: Justice, Foreign Affairs, Interior, Defense, and
academic circles
Chairmanship and secretariat: Ministry of Justice
Mandate and activities
To carry out studies and make recommendations on implementation of
international humanitarian law;
to contribute to the monitoring of the implementation of this body of
to help spread knowledge of this body of law.
Trinidad y Tobago
Inter-Ministerial Committee on International Humanitarian Law
c/o Ministry of Enterprise Development and Foreign Affairs
1 Q1 Queen's Park West
Puerto de España
Tel. +1 868 623 4116
Fax +1 868 624 4220
Date of establishment
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Defense, Security, Education,
Health, Culture, Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society, and Public
Prosecutor's Office
Chairmanship: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To review and present to the government suitable recommendations
relating to the 1954 Hague Convention for the protection of cultural
property and its two protocols, and the 1980 Convention on certain
conventional weapons and its four protocols.
Comisión Nacional de Derecho Humanitario (CNDH-Ur)
c/o Ministerio de Relaciones exteriores, Dirección de Derechos Humanos
Colonia 1206
11600 Montevideo
Tel. +5982 902 7806
or +5982 902 1327 (2215)
Date of establishment
Established: 1992
Legal basis: Executive Decrees No. 677/992 of 24 November 1992 and No.
XXX/996 of 3 June1996
Composition and operation
Representatives: Foreign Affairs, Justice, Defense, Interior,
Health, Education and Culture, Supreme Court, Uruguayan Red Cross, and
academic circles
Chairmanship: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mandate and activities
To make recommendations on dissemination of international
humanitarian law at all levels of public and private education;
to make recommendations on implementation of and respect for this body
of law through the adoption of legislative provisions, regulations and
other measures that ensure the application of this body of law.