
(CT) (EN)

Within the framework of the Fifth Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas (MISPA), and based on the principles of the Declaration on Security in the Americas and the guidelines contained in the Commitment to Public Security in the Americas, the Ministers Responsible for Public Security entrusted the OAS General Secretariat to promote, from a multidimensional perspective, cooperation between Member States on the fundamental issues of public safety management, crime prevention, violence and insecurity , citizen and community participation, and police management.

It is in this context that the Department of Public Security has developed the Inter-American Network for Police Development and Professionalization, REDPPOL, as an international cooperation mechanism for the generation and management of police knowledge appropriate to the new security circumstances of the region and the exchange of good practices and lessons learned.


(CT) (EN) Be a reference as an agent of integration and strengthening of police institutions in the hemisphere.


(CT) Provide integrated mechanisms that strengthen the capacities of police officers to act internally and in international cooperation.


(CT) (EN)

  • Human rights
  • Safe countries
  • Good institutional governance
  • Ethics and active transparency
  • Trained, effective and effective police Efficient
  • Valuation of people
  • Technology and innovation to break down barriers
  • Collaborative work
  • Results


  1. On-site and virtual training
  2. Sub-regional Seminars
  3. Virtual Network
  4. Certification in Excellence Management


Department of Public Security of the Secreteriat of Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS)