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Disaster Management
Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  4/29/2014 
Infrastructure & Institutions Emergency Recovery, Haiti
The development objective of the Infrastructure and Institutions Emergency Recovery Project (IIERP) for Haiti is to support the recipient in its early sustainable recovery efforts from the effects of the emergency, through selected interventions aiming at contributing to rebuilding key institutions and infrastructure. The project supports additional activities which are expected to enhance the original project's impact and development and address pending challenges to overall sustainability of the reform process. The project will continue to be implemented by Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications (MTPTEC). Specifically, the project: a) improves efficiency and transparency in public resource use and strengthens Haiti's public sector management systems to improve overall governance and anticorruption and enhances the institutional foundation for continued reconstruction and post reconstruction recovery; b) ensures continuity of existing critical activities related to the continued reconstruction phase, including the restoration of key economic and financial functions of the Government of Haiti (GoH), and the rehabilitation of selected public infrastructure; rehabilitates the aviation safety equipment, and fosters further economic recovery through continued activities at the Trutier Debris Processing Facility, as well as rehabilitate existing roads between Cap Haitien and Labadie, and between Milot and Cap Haitien, both catalytic investments for tourism development; c) continues the provision of support to the MTPTEC to manage the ongoing recovery and reconstruction process, and incremental costs of project administration, supervision, monitoring and evaluation. Commitment Amount: US$ 65.00 million.

The project has three components: Component 1 – Restoring Key Economic and Financial Functions: Providing support pertinent to: (a) Enable the reinstatement of MEF’s basic functions, such as, inter alia, budget formulation, execution and reporting; and (b) carry out activities to assist in fully re-establishing, including through relocation or physical structure rehabilitation, and thereafter operationalizing, through, inter alia, provision of goods and equipment and technical assistance, key financial management, control and expenditure institutions of the recipient. Component 2 – Emergency Rehabilitation of Selected Public Infrastructure: Supporting: (a) Rehabilitation or reconstruction activities of key institutional and transport infrastructure through the piloting of sound social and environmental practices; and all related studies and supervision activities; (b) strategic studies related to, inter alia, infrastructure reconstruction based on specific infrastructure designs intended to increase the resilience of rebuilt infrastructure. Component 3 – Institutional Support and Reconstruction Planning: Providing support to: (a) Restore the functioning capacity of key institutions of the recipient’s crisis governance framework; (b) carry out planning activities for the short, medium and long-term reconstruction phases; (c) carry out institutional strengthening activities; (d) finance Project management activities; (e) establish and operate an engineering clearinghouse in MTPTEC to manage the technical knowledge deriving from assessments carried out by national and international institutions and thereafter to disseminate good engineering practices and innovative solutions; and (f) assist the recipient with preliminary basic recovery activities.

Beneficiaries: Provides cholera prevention education for over 1.5 million people and over 600,000 people with water treatment and improved access to electricity

Partners and financing: Government of Haiti
Paragraphs: 2 Paragraphs VII Summit: -

Date:  4/28/2014 
Information available in Spanish
Paragraphs: 5 Paragraphs VII Summit: -

Date:  11/5/2012 
Information available in Spanish
Paragraphs: 140 Paragraphs VII Summit: -

Date:  6/21/2011 
The Disaster Risk Management Program (PREVER) supported projects and activities related to risk management and reducing vulnerabilities associated with the El Niño phenomenon, adaptation and vulnerability to climate change, emergency attention to disasters, and risk prevention from a local perspective.
Paragraphs: 60 Paragraphs VII Summit: -

Related Resources
CAF's Website