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Disaster Management
Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  1/9/2018 
Disaster Risk Management
• A regional strategy for advancing the adoption of the Inter-American Convention on the Facilitation of Post-Disaster Assistance agreed with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA)
• A new agreement for deepening collaboration and coordination on post-disaster response reached with the White Helmets Commission of Argentina.
• Awareness of the OAS’s role in advancing equality and women empowerment in disaster risk management increased.
• Fifty (50) editions of the weekly newsletter “Disasters this Week” produced and shared with key actors in disaster management in the Americas
• Streamlined and coordinated support provided through the Inter-American Committee for Natural Disaster Reduction (IACNDR) in response to the earthquake in Ecuador and the passage of Hurricane Matthew in the Eastern Caribbean, Jamaica and Haiti.
• Over 500 officials in member states exposed to integrated approaches to disaster risk management as part of training in sustainable cities.
• Capacity of 120 staff of the General Secretariat to mainstream disaster risk management enhanced through 9 training courses .
• Disaster risk management incorporated in projects submitted to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) .
• Result 12: Awareness and understanding of challenges and opportunities for protecting critical infrastructure in situations of disaster, enhanced
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Date:  6/23/2011 
In response to paragraph 60, the OAS has provided technical assistance in disaster management, mitigation, and recovery to 23 Member states. The OAS has also partnered with the UN in the implementation of the UN Hyogo Framework for Action Regional Platform of the Americas for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and has contributed to research on DRR, including the application of satellite imagery in disaster emergency response in Guatemala.

Also, the OAS in conjunction with the CARICOM Secretariat and support from the World Bank worked on the implementation of the proposed emergency legislation in the Caribbean and completed the development of recommendations on how to improve legal and administrative procedures during and immediately after natural disaster.
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