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Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  12/12/2017 
In the area of democratic governance, ECLAC published the following documents:

“Panorama regional de los datos abiertos: avances y desafíos en América Latina y el Caribe”, which analyzes the Latin America and the Caribbean region’s efforts to take advantage of opportunities offered by information technologies to manage data and make it available to citizens via portals, as well as, through initiatives to give public value and generate new applications that give results and solve common problems.

“La contribución del gobierno electrónico y los datos abiertos en la integración regional”, which offers an overview of integration using e-government services and applications developed with open government data with special attention to sustainable development and development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
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Date:  4/11/2017 
ECLAC has published the following documents:

• “Panorama regional de los datos abiertos: avances y desafíos en América Latina y el Caribe”, where the efforts that regional countries are making to take advantage of the ITs for managing data and increase its availability to citizens through web portals is analyzed.

• “La contribución del gobierno electrónico y los datos abiertos en la integración regional”, offers a view of regional integration using services offered by e-government and applications developed with open government data, with especial attention to sustainable development and development of small businesses.
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Date:  6/8/2016 
In terms of open government, ECLAC has promoted active collaboration between entities and government bodies at all levels, and between them and citizens. It has also supported countries in the region to formulate policies of open government and develop their own action plans based on the three following pillars: i) transparency and accountability; ii) collaboration within the government both civil servants and technological innovation with citizens for the co-creation of public and social value; and iii) participation in the process of actively engaging citizens in the design, formulation and implementation of public policies. For example, in terms of training, since April 2015 ECLAC has trained more than 500 professionals from 19 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Participants come mainly from government agencies at the national, regional, state and local levels and from institutions of civil society (such as political groups and parties, business, labor and professional organizations, universities and other academic and research institutions).

Additionally, ECLAC has held several workshops and seminars, which among them are the followings: "Open data in the context of Sustainable Development", Montevideo, Uruguay; May 2015, co-organized with UNDESA; “III Regional Conference on Open Data in Latin American and the Caribbean”, Santiago, Chile; September 2015, co-organized with the General Secretariat of the Government of Chile (SEGPRES); "Open Data in the context of Sustainable Development", Panama City, Panama; October 2015, co-organized with UNDESA; the “Global Alliance for Open Government Summit Opening for everyone, towards Sustainable Development", Mexico City; October 2015, co-organized with the Alliance for Open Government (AGA) and other multilateral agencies. In terms of agreements and advisory duties the activity was diverse, for example: with the Presidency of Mexico through the National Digital Strategy Directorate; with the General Secretariat of the Presidency of Chile; with the Latin American Network of Transparency and Access to Information (RTA); with the Organization of American States (OAS) for conducting semi distance education and the co-organization of the OAS Program for the Promotion of Open Government in the Americas; among others.
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