Persons in charge of the presentations:
Luis Almagro, OAS Secretary General
Delia Ferreira, President, Transparency International
Juan Manuel Casanueva, SocialTic, Mexico
Maurice McNaughton, University of West Indies, Jamaica
Maria Baron, Directorio Legislativo, Argentina
Susana Soto, Abriendo Datos, Costa Rica
Tracey Lauriault, Carleton University, Canada
Fabrizio Scrollini, ILDA, Uruguay
Alonso Cerdan, Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto
Juan Pablo Guerrero, Transparencia Fiscal
Nicolas Penagos, Open Contracting Partnership
Mike Mora, OAS
In April, the OAS held this virtual forum open to civil society. The document resulting from this consultation is available here in Spanish (no English versión available). The theme of the forum was what are the possible fields of action of the OAS on issues of democratic governance in the face of the emergency of COVID-19 and promotion of the principles of open government (transparency, accountability, collaboration, and participation) in any initiative that is carried out by governments. This with the purpose of contributing to the search for joint, consensual, concrete, focused and transparent responses to the fight against COVID-19 in the region. The inputs obtained will be shared with the other international institutions of the Joint Summit Working Group for the development of joint initiatives.
The forum was held around the following topics:
- What risks and challenges does COVID19 present to democratic governance in the Americas?
- What opportunity do open government principles present and how can they be activated against COVID19?
- How to ensure transparency, collaboration and participation in the initiatives presented by the governments against the COVID19?
- How can civil society in the region influence the promotion of open government principles in the measures taken against COVID-19?