Virtual Forums

With the aim of contributing and enriching the conversation, the OAS will organize virtual forums, in the form of round tables and webinars, with the participation of international experts on all the topics that the Portal proposes to carry out brainstorming around them. and inclusive discussions. On this page you will find the calendar of upcoming events and the videos of the events already held.

Young Americas Dialogue 2020 Role and Perspectives of Youth Responding to COVID-19

  • 7/1/2020 10:00 AM
  • Number of views: 3677

Event date: 7/1/2020 10:00 AM Export event

Persons in charge of the presentations:

Valerie Lorena, Executive Director, Young Americas Business Trust
Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States
Cecilia Vilchis, Youth Intervention Moderator: Young Americas Forum Coordinator, Young Americas Business Trust
Ariana Alejandra Cairo, Youth representative for: Economic recovery and entrepreneurship 
Raquel Alessandra Montalvan,
Youth representative for: Health systems and access to correct information 
Abel Aronátegui,
Youth representative for: Vulnerable groups and gender equality 
Carlos Eduardo López,
Youth representative for: The role of youth and education 
Joshua Forte, Youth representative for: Effects of climate change in the Caribbean 
Edgar Maestre, Youth Intervention Moderator: Latin America Program Director, Young Americas Business Trust 
Alejandra Maldonado,
Youth representative for: Social and economic development and decent youth employment 
Rocío Milagros Collantes,
Youth representative for: Youth and the SDGs “Decade of Action”  
Alan Rosas Alvarado, Youth representative for: Youth participation and citizen inclusion 
David Martínez, Youth representative for: Response and position of the youth of the Americas 
María Celina Conte, Acting Director, Summits of the Americas Secretariat, Organization of American States

The Young Americas Dialogue will bring together young leaders representing dozens of youth networks in the hemisphere, committed to actions to enrich the debate around the construction of an integrated response to deal with the COVID-19 around the Americas. The Young Americas Dialogue with the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, culminates a hemispheric process of face-to-face and virtual consultations, through which there were thousands of youth contributions and recommendations related to topics that fall under the Inter-American Agenda and others of interest to the youth.

At the same time, this activity is the starting point towards the VI Young Americas Forum, a permanent and inclusive platform for the participation of youth as social actor in the processes of the IX Summit of the Americas that will take place in 2021.

For more information, please visit the official website of the Young Americas Forum at: