Virtual Forums

With the aim of contributing and enriching the conversation, the OAS will organize virtual forums, in the form of round tables and webinars, with the participation of international experts on all the topics that the Portal proposes to carry out brainstorming around them. and inclusive discussions. On this page you will find the calendar of upcoming events and the videos of the events already held.

Policy Dialogue - “Corruption and COVID-19”

  • 6/18/2020 11:00 AM
  • Number of views: 2958

Event date: 6/18/2020 11:00 AM Export event

Persons in charge of the presentations:

Maria Celina Conte (Introduction), Acting Director, Summits Secretariat, OAS
Amb. James Lambert (Opening Remarks), Secretary for Hemispheric Affairs, OAS
Amb. Luis Chávez Basagoitia (Opening Remarks), Presidency of the Summits of the Americas Process, Government of Peru
Pablo Sanguinetti (Moderator), Vice-President of Knowledge, Latin America Development Bank (CAF)
Fernando Carrillo (Speaker), Inspector-Attorney General of Colombia
Susana Silva Hasembank (Speaker), Secretary for Public Integrity of the Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru
Claudia Escobar Mejía (Speaker), Former Guatemalan Judge of the First Instance, member of Ecuador's Commission of International Experts to Combat Corruption, and Executive Director of BeJust

Policy Dialogues are promoted as a forum for analysis and exchanges among the stakeholders of the Summits of the Americas process, which include the participating States, JSWG institutions, civil society representatives, and other social actors, as well as interested actors.

The objective of this Dialogue is to generate an exchange of ideas on the impact of the measures generated by COVID-19 of Member States in four key areas in the fight against corruption: administrative and judicial control processes; selection mechanisms for public officials and their controls; transparency and accountability policies towards citizens; and processes to limit the influence of private interests in public policy decisions.

The session will begin with introductory words by María C. Conte, Acting Director of the Summits Secretariat; followed by opening remarks by Ambassador James Lambert, Secretary for Hemispheric Affairs at the OAS followed by Ambassador Luis E. Chávez, Presidency of the Summits of the Americas Process, Government of Peru.

Main speakers include:

  • Dr. Fernando Carrillo, Inspector-Attorney General of Colombia
  • Dr. Susana Silva Hasembank, Secretary for Public Integrity of the Office of the President of the Council of Ministers
  • Dr. Claudia Escobar Mejía, former Guatemalan Judge of the First Instance, member of Ecuador's Commission of International Experts to Combat Corruption, and Executive Director of BeJust

The session will be moderated by Dr. Pablo Sanguinetti, Vice President of Knowledge at CAF- Development Bank of Latin America.

The Summits of the Americas Secretariat is the Technical Secretariat and institutional memory of the Summits of the Americas Process, including its corresponding bodies and the Summit of the Americas.  For more information: