Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices - Details

Audio Biographies

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 3377
Audio Biographies
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Biographies in English
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Listen and observe varied biographies based on the understanding and interpretation of specific information from the assessment of other life perspectives.
Search in YouTube biographies of modern writers
While listening to the biography students identify the communicative intention and characteristics of an oral biography. Select: distinguish relevant words from words that are not.
Anticipate: activate all the information we have about a person or a topic to prepare the understanding of a speech. Anticipate what is going to say from what has already been said.
Present adequate biographies and oral autobiographies with the structure and effective development of discourse.Plan: Specify who will be the reader of the text. To form a concrete image of what one wants to write: to determine how the text will be; Establish the author-reader relationship.
Write: draw a composition scheme to distribute information: mark paragraphs or paragraphs and proceed to write them in isolation.
Use adjectives, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, punctuation marks and orthographic rules in the texts you write.


  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 3483
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Take care of the environment using the three Rs.
Type of device: Laptop
Description: -Organize students in groups of no more than six.
-Give them information about the three Rs.
-Propose a clear line for the plan of action and execution of the project.
-Get infographics about the subject.
-Arming the project in the group.
-Encourage students to create ideas to develop more activities for the benefit of the project.
Students create an action plan.
They will make a massive recycling campaign.
All school will help to collect plastic bottles and CDs that are in disuse.
-Encourage students to create ideas to develop more activities for the benefit of the project.
Propose ideas to make new objects with the collected material
Search for recycling centers and identify their characteristics
Select products from the recycles centers to implement
Reuse the material obtained to create new objects as home decorations.

Saving Energy in Households

  • 19 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 2453
Saving Energy in Households
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Saving energy at home to protect the environment
Type of device: Laptop
Description: The class is related to energy conservation at home, students will identify ways to save energy and create strategies to save it. The class starts with Step 1: Warm up: the teacher presents the objetives of the class_asks students how much they pay for electricity. Step 2: context and content, teacher arranges groups of 5 students, they agree on a rubric to use for working all together. Step 3: Students are asked what they would do to save energy at home. Step 4: Students visit webpages to check ways in which enery is waisted.
Students choose one unit in the house and describe ways the electric appliances should be used to save energy. Step 5: students work in groups to define 4 ways to save energy at home, they must based their recomendations on the information found in internet

Saving energy in schools and homes

  • 19 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 2999
Saving energy in schools  and homes
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Energy use, wastage and conservation
Type of device: Laptop
Description: After entering a classroom, have students sit in their respective groups. Use the socratic method to lead students into an active discussion about energy use, wastage, and conservation.
Key questions:
1. What did you observe in the classroom that had anything at all to do with energy?
2. Does this constitute an appropriate use of energy? Why or why not?
3. Useing the terms ‘renewable’ and ‘non-renewable’, relate your observations to energy conservation.
Students will sit in groups around workbenches in which they can discuss and elaborate on their observations.
Choose a representative for the group as a spokesperson to share the thoughts and observations of the group as questions are posed.Guide students through appropriate etiquette for carrying out a survey in school. Students will use discussion points to formúlate a survey of ten questions to be asked of students in the school body. Questions should be directed at discovering student awareness on campus about the importance of energy conservation.
Conduct a survey in the school using a questionnaire developed by students in their groups. Each group of students is to survey a range of four grade levels.
Students will use learn and save booklet to support ideas and questions.
Student’s Activities