Lesson Plans - Details

Main Idea in Informational Text

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Deidre Bourne
  • Number of views: 7519
Main Idea in Informational Text
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The Main Idea and Supporting Details
Description: The teacher will ask the students to write four lines about something they did over the weekend. When they are finished underline what line they think best describes the main idea of their paragraph. When we think of a main idea, we ask ourselves what is this mostly about? While we are asking ourselves that think to yourself, we can actually answer some important questions about main idea. When we know the main idea we can more than just identify what the passage or story is mostly about. We can also identify the topic, can create a new title, and can write a sentence that supports why you have chosen your main idea. When we have a clear vision of our main idea we are able to state three things that show we have a strong understanding as readers. Today we will learn how to declare the main idea of a passage, article, book, or reading, and then be able to state the topic, create new or main idea centered title, and then write a sentence the supports our choice in a main idea. When we can support our main idea we can confirm our findings and support our thinking that is what makes us good readers.
The teacher will choose a passage for the students. Distribute the passage, do a simple read aloud with the students. The students will read silently at first. Then they will read aloud the passage. The teacher and the students would read it once thoroughly and then read it again using out loud thinking, jotting down notes, questions, and highlighting important information. Then talk about how you would generate a main idea. Have an anchor chart that looks as the model below. Fill in each area and model thinking aloud how you are to create each object.
Then do another reading, have students do think aloud, highlight, add questions and talk through information. Have them come up with the topic, title, and sentence to support.
Anchor Chart
Title of Passage:
My Main Idea:
Topic of my passage:
New Title:
Sentence to support:
S-1 Thinking Independently
Rather than having students discuss only those ideas mentioned in their in their text, the teacher can have them brainstorm ideas and argue among themselves.
S-6 Developing Intellectual Courage
Intellectual courage is fostered through a consistently open-minded atmosphere. Students who disagree with or doubt their peers or text should be given support. The teacher should raise probing questions regarding unpopular ideas which the students have.
S-21 Reading Critically: Clarifying and Critiquing Texts
Critical thinkers read with a healthy scepticism but they do not doubt or deny until they understand. They clarify before they judge.
S-31 Distinguishing Relevant Facts from Irrelevant Facts
Students will read the passage with one or more issues in mind and note relevant details. Students could then share and discuss their lists. Students can then discover that sometimes they must argue for the relevance o...

Time to write

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Flora M. Zibas Page
  • Number of views: 6713
Time to write
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Writing creativity
Description: • Research or write out, on your own, an interesting beginning to a text. One of the sentences must be incomplete. For example:
“In a town far away from any medical service, there once lived a small community. Most of its people were descendants from an old tribe and lived very happily with one another. Most people, in this community, had fallen ill with cholera due to their contaminated water system. All the doctors and voyagers feared to come near this place. One day, … “
• The text must be written on wallpapers. Depending on the number of groups. Each group should have a wallpaper.
• Divide the class into groups of 4.
• Handout a wallpaper (with the chosen beginning) to each group.
• Handout a marker to each group. Each group must have a different color.
• Tell students that they will write as fast as possible on a topic for 2 minutes without worrying about correct language or punctuation. Writing as quickly as possible, if they cannot think of a word they leave a space or write it in their own language. The important thing is to keep writing. Later this text is revised. Working together in groups, students can share ideas.
• When the 2 minutes are up they switch papers and they continue writing on the other group´s paper. The other 2 minutes are up and they switch papers again. It continues this way until all the groups have written on each paper.
• Once you have gathered all the markers and all the students are back in their place, all the papers are read and discussed with the whole class.

‘Market Morning’ by Grace Walker Gordon

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tracia Morgan-Brown
  • Number of views: 9603
‘Market Morning’ by Grace Walker Gordon
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry
Description: Students will talk about their experiences that they have the market. Students will be shown pictures of several markets and teacher will lead them in a discussion about them.
The teacher will recite the poem ‘Market Morning’ for the students.
The students will volunteer to recite the poem and talk about it.
The teacher and students will discuss what the poem is about.
The students will identify the literary device in the poem and produce examples. (Device- Personification / examples ‘green banana fingers’, ‘grinning cobs of corn’)
The students will also identify the words that rhyme. The students should realize that the words rhyme at the end of each line.
The teacher will inform the students that a “rhyme scheme” is a way of describing the pattern of end rhymes in a poem. Each new sound at the end of a line is given a letter, starting with “A,” then “B,” and so on. If an end sound repeats the end sound of an earlier line, it gets the same letter as the earlier line.
The students will watch a short video, which will further explain what rhyme scheme is and give examples ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSSmrIZ7zJU).
Students will be are asked to individually list three things that a fellow student might misunderstand about the topic/concept. The responses are collected and reviewed by the teacher. The teacher and students will clear up any misunderstanding of the content .
Students will be placed in small groups to write the rhyme scheme for the poem ‘Market Morning’.
Teacher will check students’ work and make corrections where necessary.

Noting Stated Sequence

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shalieka Burris
  • Number of views: 7258
Noting Stated Sequence
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literacy Comprehension
Description: Sequencing refers to putting events or actions in order. One example is chronological order, as is common with historical events. Another is the ordering of steps to carry out, as we find with procedures such as instructions, recipes, and manuals. Time life cycle also uses the sequential format.Teacher will introduce lesson by asking students if they have ever been involved in baking a cake. Students who answer in the affirmative will be asked to outline the procedure of baking a cake to fellow classmates. Teacher will record the procedure of baking a cake on the chalkboard. Students will be asked to read the steps involved in baking a cake.
Students will listen attentively while an excerpt “The Tiger Who Came to Tea” will be read to them. Students will be challenged to recall the order in which the events occurred in the passage.
Teacher will introduce the term sequence to students as well as explain to them that they have listed the order or sequence in which the events occurred in the story. The teacher will also brainstorm and introduce students to list of words that show/ signal sequencing. • Students will be asked to orally discuss the things they do at home in the morning on a daily basis. Their answer will be recorded on the board. Students will be asked to orally discuss the things they do at home in the morning on a daily basis. Their answer will be recorded on the board.

Language Arts: Drawing Conclusions

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Anthia Knowles
  • Number of views: 10985
Language Arts: Drawing Conclusions
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Drawing Conclusions
Description: At the start of the lesson, the teacher will play the last few minutes of the 2018 Super Bowl. The teacher will pause the clip right before the announcement is made and ask the students "From the clip, what is happening, what is going to happen and how did they arrive to this answer?" The students will answer "It is the Super Bowl and the Eagles have just won or is about to win. The score on the video clip and the timer being on zero shows they've won the game. The teacher will explain to the students this is called Drawing Conclusions.
The teacher will explain to students that drawing conclusions is using information that is implied or inferred to make meaning out of what is not clearly stated.
The teacher will demonstrate to the students how to draw a logical conclusion. The teacher will go through a few examples. The teacher will explain how it may help you to think about an inference as a math problem. What you read + what’s in your head = an inference.
Using a “What Am I?” poem and the Drawing Conclusions Graphic Organizer, students will pair clues from author with background knowledge to infer/conclude what is being described. Students will share their answers with the class.
The teacher will let the class listen to the song "Lost Boy" by Ruth B. Using their graphic Organizer, students will draw logical conclusions about the meaning of the song. Students will discuss their answers to each other.