Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Religious education
Topic: The Christian and Muslim Leaders
Description: Lesson #1
Engagement (5 minutes)
Teacher will ask students to make a list of various church leaders.
Possible answers; Vicar, Priest, Monk, Bishop etc. Teacher will record answers on board.
Exploration (15 minutes)
The teacher will highlight four Christian leaders and their roles, titled “Church Leaders and their Roles”. (see below lesson)
Explanation (5 minutes)
The meaning of the terms; convent and monastery will be given here.
Extension (15 minutes)
Vows kept by monks and nuns:
• To live their life in total poverty.
• To abstain from all sexual relationships. This is called chastity.
• To live in religious obedience to the will of God and the will of their religious community. This is expressed by the Mother Superior of the convent.
Evaluation (15 minutes)
How much have I remembered?
-Students will be given questions to match the name of the religious leader beside them.
1) I write sermons and articles?
2) I lead two or three services in my church?
3) I belong to a Roman Catholic Church?
4) I live in a monastery?
5) I arrange prayer meetings?
6) I lead the school assembly?
7) I organise trips for the local youth group?
8) I go to the Parish every day to say Mass?
Lesson #2
Engagement (10 minutes)
-My learning line #1 will be introduced (see end of lesson)
Starter: Students will write down the important words and their meanings; Imam, Adhan, Rak’ah, Khatib and Hadith.
Exploration (5 minutes)
The Imam will be highlighted in detail.
Explanation (20 minutes)
Students will be asked to draw the table seen at end of plan in their books.
Then the strips of information seen below the table will be written at one side of the board.
Group Task: Students will be asked to join a group of two to four students and sort the information strips, placing them into the correct categories…they must all agree.
Extension (10 minutes)
• Why is it important for the imam and his family to be known as good Muslims?
• Why do Muslims place authority in the Imam?
Evaluation (20 minutes)
Write a job advertisement for the local Imam in Mandeville.
Writing frame:
We at Mandeville Mosque are looking for a new Imam….
He must be…..
His roles and responsibilities will be…..
The position is…..