Inter-American Portal on Cybercrime

Learn about the recommendations of the Working Group

The Working Group was established by the REMJA in 1999 as the principal hemispheric forum to strengthen international cooperation in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of cybercrime; facilitate the exchange of information and experiences among its members; and make necessary recommendations to enhance and strengthen cooperation among the OAS member states and with international organizations and mechanisms.

The Working Group promotes the adoption and updating of legislation and procedural measures that are necessary for the effective prosecution and adjudication of a cybercrime; legislation to ensure collection and safe custody of all forms of electronic evidence for service providers to guarantee the preservation and recovery of information that is stored or in transit; accede to the Budapest Convention; and encourage countries to develop and implement national strategies that include efforts to deter, investigate, and prosecute cybercrime.


Strengthen international cooperation, promote the exchange of information and ideas, recommend actions to strengthen the capacity of OAS Member States to effectively combat cybercrime.


  • Facilitate the exchange of information and experiences.
  • Strengthen cooperation between national authorities on cybercrime.
  • Training prosecutors and judges of the Americas on the evaluation of electronic evidence, and the investigation and prosecution of a cybercrime.


Learn about the recommendations of the Working Group

X Meeting (virtual, April 28-29, 2022) Recommendations
IX Meeting (OAS Headquarters, December 12-13, 2016) Recommendations
VIII Meeting (OAS Headquarters, February 27-28, 2014) Recommendations 
VII Meeting (OAS Headquarters, February 6-7, 2012) Recommendations 
VI Meeting (OAS Headquarters, January 21-22, 2010) Recommendations 
V Meeting (OAS Headquarters, November 19-20, 2007) Recommendations 
IV Meeting (OAS Headquarters, February 27-28, 2006) Recommendations 
III Meeting (OAS Headquarters, June 23-24, 2003) Recommendations 
II Meeting (OAS Headquarters, October 14-15, 1999) Recommendations 
I Meeting (OAS Headquarters, May 12, 1999) Recommendations