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Welcome to the page of the XLVI Course on International Law organized by the Inter-American Juridical Committee and the Department of International Law of the Secretariat of Legal Affairs (SAJ) of the OAS.
**Due to unforeseen circumstances, the selection
committee will not be meeting until Friday, April 19th.
Therefore, results will be announced on Monday, April 22nd.
We appreciate your understanding.**
Please read the entire content
of this page before submitting any questions to the course
Dates: July 22 – August 9 2019
Place: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Faculty of Law, Brazil.
Languages of instruction: Spanish,
Portuguese, English (no interpretation services will be
Candidate profile: The Course on
International Law is aimed at professionals who hold a
university degree in law or international relations, have
relevant experience and wish to participate in a demanding
and rigorous academic experience and learn, network and
socialize with other professionals in a multicultural
Fairness in selection process: In order to ensure the
quality of the educational experience, capacity is limited
to 40 students. Applications that meet all the requirements
will be considered in equal conditions without distinction
or discrimination on grounds of race, gender, national
origin, socioeconomic level, sexual orientation, religion,
gender expression, physical characteristics, disability, nor
for any other reason. Incomplete or untimely applications
will be rejected immediately.
How to apply: The application
period for the XLVI Course has concluded at this time.
Costs: Enrollment in
the Course on International Law and study materials are free
of charge. However, each student, regardless of
whether or not he or she obtains any financial assistance
from the OAS, will be responsible for covering all lodging,
transportation, food, and other related expenses.
Results: The results of the selection
process will be announced by email directly to each
applicant on Friday, April 12.
Financial assistance: Subject to the
availability of funds, the OAS may provide financial
assistance to candidates whose applications have obtained
the highest scores.
When notified of admission to the Course of International
Law, each candidate will be informed if, based on the score
obtained and the availability of funds, there is the
possibility of obtaining support from the OAS to facilitate
his or her participation.
Waitlist: Candidates who are not selected
may request their inclusion in the waitlist, in the order in
which each request is received. In the event that a vacancy
occurs, that spot will be offered to candidates on the
waitlist, in the order in which they appear.
Certificates: A
certificate of attendance will be granted to those
students who participate in at least 90% of the classes, and
pass the exams that will be applied throughout the three
Students who wish to obtain a
certificate of approval, may submit a written work on
one of the topics developed throughout the course within
three months after the end of the course, upon presentation
of a hypothesis and a work schedule and per the guidelines
provided by the coordinator.
Professors and subjects: We are in the
process of completing the roster of prestigious lecturers
who will teach throughout the three weeks. The
provisional list includes a variety of cutting-edge
topics in public and private international law, and will be
enriched with new topics and teachers during the coming
El XLVI Curso de Derecho Internacional cuenta con el patrocinio de:
Universidade Federal do Rio de